
时间:2023-01-09 13:06:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. apple 2. banana ball bag beard bee bed box bike bird boat book 3cake car cat coat Coke cook cow cup 4deer desk dish dog duck 5eagle ears egg elephant eyes 6face fish flag foot fox 7gate gift girl grapes green 8hair hand head house hut 9ice ice cream 10jam jello 11key king kite kitten knee 12lake leaf lion 13milk monkey moon mouse 14net night nose nut 15oil onion orange ox 16panda park peach pen 17queen 18rabbit red river 19ship skirt snake spoon star 20table tiger T-shirt 21UFO uniform U-turn 22van vest 23white window wood 24yard yellow yo-yo yogurt 25zipper zoo


1. 身体部位:face() head() hand() hair(头发) nose(鼻子) ears(一双耳朵) knee(膝盖) eyes(一双眼睛) foot() beard(胡子)

2. 动物:cow(奶牛) duck(鸭子) elephant(大象) eagle(老鹰) fox(狐狸) lion(狮子) monkey(猴子) panda(熊猫) rabbit(兔子) snake() tiger(老虎) ox() fish() mouse(老鼠) bee(蜜蜂) bird(小鸟) cat() kitten(小猫) deer(鹿) dog() 3. 数词:one two three four five

Six seven eight nine ten

4. 水果:apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) grapes(葡萄) orange(橙子) peach(桃子) 5. 颜色:black()white(白色)red(红色) yellow(黄色)orange(橙色)blue() green(绿色) purple() pink()

6. 服饰:T-shirt(T恤衫) uniform(制服) vest(马甲) coat(外衣) skirt(裙子) 7. 学具:desk(书桌) pen(钢笔) book() 8. 饮料:Coke(可乐)milk(牛奶)yogurt(酸奶)

9. 人物:king(国王) queen(女王) cook(厨师) girl(女孩) boy(男孩) 10.地点:park(公园)yard(庭院)zoo(动物园) school (学校) classroom (教室) 11. 食物:egg(鸡蛋) ice cream(冰淇淋) jam(果酱) jello(果冻) onion(洋葱) cake(蛋糕) nut(坚果) fish()

12. 交通工具:ship()van(货车)bike(自行车)car(小汽车) 13. 自然: river(河流) lake() moon(月亮) star(星星) 14. 餐具:cup(杯子) dish(盘子) spoon(勺子) 15. 玩具:ball() yo-yo(溜溜球) kite(风筝)

16. 人称代词:I() me() my(我的) you (你,你们) your (你的,你们的) he() him() his(他的) she() her(她,她的) it()

we(我们) us(我们) our(我们的) they(他们) them(他们) their(他们的) 17. 亲人: mother /mom/mum (妈妈) father /dad (爸爸) grandpa (爷爷,姥爷) grandma(奶奶,姥姥) aunt (阿姨) uncle (叔叔)

18. 动词:see (看见) meet(见到) look() watch (看电视,动画) go () come () like (喜欢) love () do() have() play () try (尝试)say() sing () read ()count () drive (开车) carry (搬运) be动词(am, is are,) 19.形容词:nice (漂亮) big() small ()

20.时间词:morning (早上) afternoon (下午) evening (晚上) night (夜晚) today (今天) tomorrow (明天)

21. 其他(不同类)flag(旗子) gift(礼物) ice() leaf(叶子) net() oil() table() U-turn(掉头标志) window(窗户) wall() box(盒子) zipper(拉链) bag() bed() gate(大门) house(房子) key(钥匙) night(夜晚) UFO(飞碟) hut(茅屋) wood(圆木)


go to school (去上学) have PE (上体育) play games (玩游戏)

watch cartoons (看卡通片) play with my toys (玩我的玩具) come in (进来) come here (过来) go back (回来)
