写小狗的英语作文(含翻译) 描写一种小动物,首先要描写它的外形样子,下面是小编整理的写小狗的英语作文,一起来看看吧! 写小狗的英语作文篇一 我家里有一条小狗。它长着一双圆溜溜的眼睛,两瓣嘴,和一个灵活的小鼻子。它的毛色雪白,尤其是腹部,就像小狗穿上了一件雪白的衣裳。我十分喜欢它。 There is a puppy in my house. It is a long a pair of round two eyes, mouth, nose and a flexible small. Its hair is white, especially the belly, just like a puppy wearing a snow-white dress. I like it very much. 它走起路来昂首挺胸,还踏步,真像一位满有风度的军人。它撒尿时总是用后腿靠着一棵树,还低着头,好像很害羞。撒完了马上离开,好像怕被别人知道似的。看它顽皮的样子,搞笑极了。 It was the first walk Leonardo chest, also still, like a soldier full of grace. He always uses his hind legs to lean against a tree, his head bowed, as if he were very shy. When he had finished, he left immediately, as if he were afraid of being known. Look at it naughty, funny. 它胆子很小,如果你随便拍一下手掌,它就吓地立刻钻进床底下。可它又是那么勇猛,不要说遇到小猫和小鸡,就是遇上坏人它也敢斗一斗,之所以它成了保护我们家的“解放军”。 It's very timid. If you slap your palm, it immediately gets under the bed. It is so brave, don't say when cats or chickens, it is a bad man had a fight, it became the home of the people's Liberation Army to protect us". 小狗它的业余很多,对新鲜事物又能后的兴趣,它常常在我画画时,瞪着眼睛看,还模仿画上人的动作,那样子逗得我哈哈大笑。 Puppy, it's a lot of amateur, and after the new things of interest, it often in my paintings, staring at the eyes, but also imitate the painting on people's movements, so that I laugh. 我喜欢我家的小狗,每天放学后我都要跟它玩一玩,它给我带来了无限乐趣。 I like my dog. I play with it every day after school. It brings me lots of fun. 写小狗的英语作文篇二 我非常喜欢小动物,但我最喜欢的是小狗。 I like small animals very much, but I like puppies best. 小狗的身子不大,但是头却很大。有一双小小的三角形的耳朵,面孔也是小小的。一对宝石般灵活透亮的大眼睛,一个圆溜溜的黑鼻子。身上的毛呈土黄色,光滑得像涂了一层油。尾巴毛茸茸的,常摆来摆去,摸上去很舒服。 The puppy is not big, but it has a big head. A pair of small triangular ears, the face is also small. A gem of a flexible bright big eyes, a round black nose. His hair Chengtu yellow, smooth coated with a layer of oil like. The tail is hairy and is often put on and feels comfortable. 小狗吃食物时会发出一点声响,吃得很快,好像很饿的样子。睡觉时一动不动,很安静,一有动静就抬起头看看,没事又继续趴在地上睡觉。做游戏时,如果很高兴,就会使劲摆尾巴,向远处跳来跳去,舌头经常伸出来。 A dog makes a noise when he eats food, eats quickly, and looks like he is hungry. Sleep motionless, very quiet, a move to look up, nothing, and continue to lie on the ground sleep. When you play a game, if you are happy, you will wag your tail and jump to the distance, and your tongue will stick out. 因为我邻居家有一小狗,所以我经常和它一起玩。小狗的头大,我就叫它“大头”。有一次,我刚回到家门口,看到小狗在路边玩耍,跑来跑去。我正准备开门,小狗马上跑了过来,在我跟前摇头摆尾,好像很欢迎我。 Because my neighbor has a little dog, so I often play with him. The puppy's head is big. I call it "big head"". On one occasion, I just returned home and saw the dog playing on the side of the road, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over in front of me yaotoubaiwei, seems very welcome to me. 我真喜欢这只可爱又顽皮的小狗!我相信你也会喜欢这只“大头”吧! I really like this cute and naughty puppy! I'm sure you'll like this "big head" too! 我最喜欢的小动物——小狗。 My favorite little animal - puppy. [写小狗的英语作文(含翻译)]相关文章: 1.写小狗的英语作文及翻译 2.描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 3.写小狗的英语作文50字(带翻译) 4.描写小狗的英语作文及翻译 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9ff1f6416037ee06eff9aef8941ea76e59fa4ad4.html