
时间:2022-07-04 15:32:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The theme for Expo 2010 covers five dimensions"Urbanian","City Being","Urban Planet" "Footprint"and "Dream",which are accordingly represented by five theme pavilion.The Urbanian Pavilion,Pavilionof City Being and Pavilion of Urban Planet are located in Pudong Site,using newly built pavilion.

Pavilion of Urban Civilization and Pavilion of Future are situated in Puxi Site; they will be renovated from existing industrial building.


The Pavilion of Urban Planet will talk about the influence of city life on the earth.


The Pavilion of Urban Civilization will reveal the course of urban development achieved by worldwide cities in the form architectures,sculpture,and paintings. 城市文明馆会借助建筑、雕塑和绘画艺术品来揭示世界城市发展的进进程。


The China Pavilion represents the Chinese presence in Expo 2010.China Pavilion is located at the

projecting area near the main entrance of Pudong Site,within Zone B of the Enclosed Area.It

comprises the Chinese National Pavilion,Chinese Provinces Pavilion,and Pavilion pf Hong Kong

Macao and Taiwan.

中国馆是代表中国参展上海世博会的展览场馆,位于浦东世博园区主入口的突出位置,世博会规划园区中围栏区的B片区,由中国国家馆、中国地区馆、港澳台馆三部分组成。 The contour design of China Pavilion is based on the concept of “Oriental Crown”, to express the

spirit and disposition of Chinese culture.Rising from the Chinese National Pavilion is supported by

traditional Dougong brackets fixed layer upon layer,concentrating Chinese elements and embodyingChinese spirit.The Chinese Provinces (Joint) Pavilion extends in flat under the Chinese National

Pavilion,serving as a reliable platform,to build an open ,mild ,compaible and rich layered city

square.The Chinese National Pavilion and Chinese Provinces Pavilon will creat a spectacular

urben space serise,witn well-defined functions up and down,delicately fitted major and subordinate architectunal formationand the spatial layout focused on the main axis in a north-south

direction.Pavilion of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan will be self-build pavilion. 中国馆建筑外观以东方之冠的构想主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。国家馆居中升起、


After the Expo, the China Pavilion will be permanently reserved,while other foreign national pavilion will be conventionally removed.

