Lesson 1 关于出行方式的几种表达方式

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bus card 交通卡/公交卡 ticket n.车票/船票 station/stop n. pay v.

near by adv.附近地

transportation card 交通卡/公交卡 invoice n.发票 recharge vt.充值

altogether adv.一共;总共

延伸翻译:公交车票 地铁票 的士发票 充值交通卡 二、运用 介词by 动词take

1、介词一般用于名词或者代词前面,称为介词宾语(如果是人称代词,则要用宾格)。运用 介词by+交通工具 可表示出行方式,在句子中作状语:

by bus


by foot 走路 by ship 坐船 by train 坐火车

by subway 坐地铁 by taxi 坐的士


特殊的表达为 介词by+交通介质

by sea


by air 坐飞机(由空中过去)

2、与 介词by+交通工具 等同的表达方式是 take+冠词+交通工具,在句子中作谓语:

take the bus 做公交车 take the subway 坐地铁 take the taxi 坐的士


take the ship 坐船 take the train 坐火车

1 3 By Chelsea li


1A:Excuse me.Where can I recharge my bus card

B:You can go to 7-11 to recharge your bus card by cash. A:And how can I get there?

B:Go straight ahead and then turn left,you will find it on the left. A:Thank you very much.

2(After taking a taxi)A:How much is it?

B:It is 35 yuan altogether. A:Is there an invoice?

B:Here you are!Have a nice trip!

3A:Excuse me.How can I take the subway?

B:2 ways.Buy a ticket or use the transportation card. A:Is there a metro station near by? B:Over there!


句子成分有主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表语7种,一个句子不一定包含7种成分。 主语是名词代词(I,she,he,it,they,who,what) 例句:I am a housewife.

The apple is red. What is your name?

2 3

By Chelsea li
