仲夏夜之梦第三幕第二场 英语原文 英语原文: 【场景一】 PROSPERO: (Reading from a book.) "The evening is cooled with dew, the morning broods in dew, and heavy dew upon the grass." (Puts down the book and looks out at the night sky.) "It seems a world of sweet and lovely lullaby." (Nods in contentment.) 【场景二】 MARGARET: (Wanders over to PROSPERO.) "What a beautiful night! I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring." PROSPERO: "Perhaps it will bring you a dream, my dear." 【场景三】 JACOB: (To himself.) "I'm tired of dreaming. I want to live in the real world." 【场景四】 PROSPERO: (To JACOB.) "You may not believe it, but the world is full of wonders. Trust your dreams, my friend." 【场景五】 PROSPERO: "Oh, look! The sky is starting to glow with the sunrise. The morning dew has transformed into a world of freshness and hope." 【场景六】 第 1 页 共 2 页 MARGARET: (Stirring from her sleep.) "Oh, I had such a wonderful dream last night. It was filled with love and happiness." 【场景七】 JACOB: (Awakening.) "Did I dream that? It was such a beautiful dream." 【场景八】 PROSPERO: "Dreams are powerful things, my friends. They can shape our destinies and lead us to places we never imagined. Just remember, always believe in yours." 以上是《仲夏夜之梦》第三幕第二场的英语原文,这段戏码描绘了仲夏夜的美景以及人物的对话和心理活动。在这个场景中,主人公PROSPERO通过书本中的描述和夜晚的景色,表达了对美好世界的向往和期待。他的妻子MARGARET则对夜晚充满期待,认为它可能会带来美好的梦想。而年轻的Jacob则对梦想持有怀疑态度,认为梦想只是虚幻的,他更愿意活在现实世界中。然而,PROSPERO通过自己的经历和感悟,鼓励Jacob相信梦想的力量,因为梦想可以改变命运,带领我们走向未知的地方。随着太阳的升起,MARGARET分享了自己美好的梦境,而Jacob在醒来后也对自己的梦境产生了新的认识。最后,PROSPERO通过一段富有哲理的台词,强调了梦想的重要性,并鼓励大家要相信自己,勇敢追求自己的梦想。 以上就是《仲夏夜之梦》第三幕第二场的英语原文,这段戏码通过优美的语言和生动的场景,展现了梦想的力量和美好,也传达了追求梦想的重要性。 第 2 页 共 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a16f492cd2f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7303766c59.html