仲夏夜之梦第三幕第二场 英语原文

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仲夏夜之梦第三幕第二场 英语原文

英语原文: 【场景一】

PROSPERO: (Reading from a book.) "The evening is cooled with dew, the morning broods in dew, and heavy dew upon the grass." (Puts down the book and looks out at the night sky.) "It seems a world of sweet and lovely lullaby." (Nods in contentment.)


MARGARET: (Wanders over to PROSPERO.) "What a beautiful night! I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring."

PROSPERO: "Perhaps it will bring you a dream, my dear." 【场景三】

JACOB: (To himself.) "I'm tired of dreaming. I want to live in the real world."


PROSPERO: (To JACOB.) "You may not believe it, but the world is full of wonders. Trust your dreams, my friend."


PROSPERO: "Oh, look! The sky is starting to glow with the sunrise. The morning dew has transformed into a world of freshness and hope."


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MARGARET: (Stirring from her sleep.) "Oh, I had such a wonderful dream last night. It was filled with love and happiness."


JACOB: (Awakening.) "Did I dream that? It was such a beautiful dream."


PROSPERO: "Dreams are powerful things, my friends. They can shape our destinies and lead us to places we never imagined. Just remember, always believe in yours."



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