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Pandora's box, also known as the Pandora box, Pandora case, this is an ancient Greek classical myth.

潘多拉是宙斯创造的第一个人类女人, 主要是要报复人类。因为众神中的普罗米修斯过分关心人类,于是惹火了宙斯。宙斯首先命令火神黑菲斯塔斯(Hephaestus),使用水土合成搅混,依女神的形象做出一个可爱的女人;再命令爱与美女神阿芙罗黛堤(Aphrodite)淋上令男人疯狂的激素;女神雅典娜(Athena)教女人织布,制造出各颜各色的美丽衣织,使女人看来更加鲜艳迷人;完成所有手续后,宙斯派遣使神汉密斯(Hermes)说:“放入你狡诈、欺骗、耍赖、偷窃的个性吧!”一个完完全全的女人终于完成了。

Pandora is the first human woman created by zeus. Because the gods Plo Michel J too concerned with human, so angered zeus. Zeus first command Vulcan hephae stus Hephaestus), using synthetic muddy soil, according to the image of the goddess to make a lovely woman; then commands the goddess of beauty and love Afu Luo Daidi (Aphrodite), pour to make men crazy hormone; goddess Athena (Athena) goddaughter weaving, to create a the yen all kinds of beautiful clothing woven, make women look more bright charming; after the completion of all formalities, Zeus sent the sorcerer Mies (Hermes) said: "put you cunning and deceit, act shamelessly, stealing personality.!" A perfect woman was finally finished.


The gods for her dress, wearing a rabbit hat, items with beads, charming as the bride. Hanmyce counsel said: "this woman named Pandora (Pandora), is Gods gift to men." The gods all agreed to his suggestion. In ancient Greek, pan means all, Dora is a gift.


Jose in the battle for God, Plo Michel J and his brother Ip Michel J is to get help, but to the throne. Plo Michel J is the name of "foresight". And his brother Ip Michel J of the meaning as "regret", therefore the style of the two brothers are the same with the name with "foresight" and "regret" characteristics. After Pandora was created, in the arrangement of Jose, gave Ip Michel J. Because he knew that Plo Michel J would not accept his gift, so he gave it to Ip Michel J at the beginning. And Ip Michel J accepted her, at the wedding, Jose ordered the gods will be a gift in a box, gave Pandora as a gift. And the gift of the gods is good or bad.

伊皮米修斯的胞兄普罗米修斯早就警告伊皮米修斯, 千万不要接受宙斯的礼物,尤其是女人,因为女人是危险的动物。伊皮米修斯就跟其名字一般,娶了潘多拉之後没多久,就开始後悔了。潘多拉为伊皮米修斯生了7个儿子,但是潘多拉把儿子生下来后,宙斯便把7个儿子用一个盒子封印起来,盒子的名字就叫“潘多拉之盒”。

Ip Michel J the brother of Prometheus had warned Ip Michel J. Do not accept Zeus's gift, especially is a woman, because the woman is a dangerous animal. Ip Michel J with his name in general, not long after marrying Pandora, began to regret it. Pandora as Ip Michel J gave birth to a son, but Pandora the son was born, Zeus gave seven sons with a seal box, box is called "Pandora's box".


Pandora was very angry, so he secretly opened the box to see his son. Which knows a dozen to see, his first six sons flew out, their name is greedy, kill, fear, pain, disease, desire. Then the world's seventh but dogged by bad luck, Pandora son called hope. Though people are greedy, kill, fear, pain, disease, and desire, but people do not shrink back, because they still have hope!
