英语必背单词大全 回忆,回 1、Look back upon a dreadful misspent life, and ask thy self what thou hast not done? 回头看看你半生的罪孽吧!问问你自己,你什么坏事没有作过? 2、I suggest that we shall look back upon this little caper one day. 我提议大家应当永久牢记这个欢呼的日子。 3、First, we look back upon the effects which media act on human knowledge, and reflect on the role which the program plays. 首先通过回溯媒介技术对人类认知所起的作用,探讨讲坛类栏目所可能扮演的文化角色。 4、Each time I look back upon it, I am always proud of the two years. 每当我回眸此事,我总是对这两年感到骄傲。 5、It looks as if they were victims of a conspiracy for the books they read, ideal by the necessity of selection, and the conversation of their elders, who look back upon the past through a rosy haze? Of forgetfulness, prepare them for an unreal life. 看起来他们就像是一场阴谋的牺牲品,由于他们读的眉目由于 第 1 页 被精细选过而变得完善。长辈回忆往事时,隔了健忘这一层玫瑰色薄雾,用他们的.话为年轻人预备了不真实的生活。 memory n.记忆,记忆力;回忆,往事;[计]存储器,内存 复数:memories 易混淆的单词:Memory 1、Like the memory of his brother. 象他的兄弟的记忆一样。 2、Could not allocate enough memory. 未能安排足够的内存。 3、Could your weight affect your memory? 体重会影响记忆力吗? 4、Memory is a funny thing. 回忆是个好玩的东西. 5、Quantum memory may topple heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 量子存储器可能颠覆海森堡的不确定性原理 第 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a342ef53bb4ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9605dec0.html