流泻的近义词 一、【近义词】 流淌、倾泻 二、【基本解释】 [释义] (动)(液体、光线等)迅速的流出、射出、跑过。 [构成] 偏正式:流〔泻 三、【英文翻译】 1.(of light, heat, etc.) emit; (of a liquid) discharge in a jet 四、【短语造句】 1.后来,夜的到临带来了呼啸的北风,雨点不停地拍打着窗子,雨水从低垂的荷兰式屋檐上流泻下来。 And then, with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed, while the rain still beat against the windows and pattered down from the low dutch eaves. 2.当约翰列侬落笔的时候,笔尖流泻出来的通常都是充满灵感的甚至崇高的作品。 When john lennon put pen to paper, the result was usually inspired and occasionally sublime. 3.然而,尊敬的法官们,请仔细想一下:您会让一只灯笼去从事一桩交易或者牵涉到一个职业当中,还是就让它在街上晕染夜色、流泻灯光呢? But, reverend judges, bethink you well: would you have a lanthorn ply a trade or be concerned with a profession, or do aught indeed but pervade the streets at night, shedding its light, which, if you will, is vagabondage? 4.与水有关的异教神,如尼普顿,通常在雕塑和画像中有着最终与水融合在一起的流泻下来的长发。 Pagan gods who were associated with water like neptune often had long-flowing hair that merged with the water itself in statues and paintings. 5.在书中作者如此描写着漂亮的奴隶fikre:她紧致的臀线犹如非洲豹一般,黝黑的皮肤好似新开采出的煤炭般色泽饱满,阳光洒上去,流泻着银色光华。 The author portrays fikre, a beautiful slave, as "thin-hipped as a cheetah", her skin so black that "like a piece of split coal it seems almost silver where it catches the light." 五、【详细解释】 ◎ 流泻 liúxiè [(of light;heat,etc.) emit;(of a liquid) discharge in a jet] [液体、光线等] 迅速地流出、射出 (1).水或其他液体迅速地流淌。 郭沫若 《女神·湘累》:“我知道你的心中本有无量的涌泉,想同江河一样自由流泻。” (2).形容光线等像水一样迅速地移动。 杨朔 《风暴》:“灯影流泻到门外,一块长方形的薄光映照到院落里。” (3).表露,发泄。 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二二:“他( 祥子 )的话都是血作的,窝在心的深处。镇静了半天,他想要把那片血变成的简单的字,流泻出来。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a35621f7950590c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ed497.html