老外很纠结:“牛B”的英语怎么说? 来源|有道词典小组 作者|一线口语 An American translator in Beijing reflects on the word niubi and what makes it so difficult to translate, and it’s a delightful read. 一位在北京的美国译者反映,“牛逼”一词实在难翻,下面就来看看人家是怎么解释“牛逼”的,很有意思哦! On the face of it, niubi is not untranslatable at all: the characters niu and bi can be rendered into English with great precision by the words – and I beg your pardon – ‘cow pussy’, niu being the zoological reference, bi the anatomical. But though the denotation of niubi is embarrassingly plain, it’s connotations are far from obvious. 从表面上来看,牛逼一词并非不可译,把两个汉字一一对等直译成英语的话,就是“母牛的生殖器”(翻译需要,请原谅我的不文明)。牛是动物学术语,逼是解剖学术语。虽然牛逼的字面意思有点让人尴尬,但很清楚。不过,牛逼的深层含义就有讲究了。 Niubi is a term of approbation, perhaps the greatest such term in colloquial Chinese. Niubi is an attitude, a lifestyle: a complete lack of concern over what other people think of you, and the resulting freedom to do whatever you please. It is knowing exactly what you’re capable of, making the decision to act, and to hell with the consequences. It is the essence of ‘cool’, but taken to the nth degree, and with a dirty word thrown in. 牛逼是一种溢美之词,可能是汉语口语中夸人的最好说法了。牛逼是一种态度,一种生活方式,完全不在意别人是怎么看待你的,因此你可以爱做啥做啥。牛逼的人对自己的能力了若指掌,自己决定要做什么,完全不计后果。牛逼从本质上来说就是“酷”,不过比“酷”要酷上N倍,更何况牛逼里还带个脏字呢! Of course, like all great philosophical concepts, niubi has an inverse side – an excess of niubi leads to self-importance, arrogance, hubris, imperiousness, and very dangerous driving. 当然,和其他的哲学概念一样,牛逼也有其不好的一面。一个人太过牛逼就会自以为是 ,不可一世,狂妄自大,无动于衷,就连开车都要飙到危险驾驶才罢休。 牛逼一词作为2008年的年度热门词汇,曾经遭到无数人的追捧,直到现在,这股B风潮还未见消褪。下面,小编就为大家盘点一下关于“牛逼”一词的其他译法,仅供参考: 最创意译法:newbility,词根为newby,其变化形式有,比较级newber,最高级newbest,名词newber。 Eg: There is no newbest, only newber。 没有最牛B,只有更牛B。 最中规中矩译法:very strong,excellent,stunning,cool Eg: What a stunning idea! 这主意太牛B了! 最地道译法:hot shit Eg: That hot shit. You are a wild man。 简直太牛B了,你是个强人! 最中国式译法:NiuBi Eg: How can you be so NiuBi? 你怎么能这么牛B呢? 最简单译法:NB Eg: I think that song is very NB! 我觉得那首歌很牛B! 最直接译法:cow pussy 本文由全国十佳英语培训机构“一线口语”提供,一线口语教你30天说一口流利英文。 最后,对英语学习感兴趣的,可以测测自己的英语水平,点此开始测试。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a45c05ccd0d233d4b04e6908.html