A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌 CHAPTER 12

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A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌

CHAPTER 12 A Second Chance 12 第二次机会

Yes, the bedpost was his. The bed was his, the room was his. Best and happiest of all, the time before him was his to make changes in! 是的,床柱是他的。床是他的,房间是他的。最好和最幸福的是,在他之前的时间是他做出改变!

“I don’t know what to do!” cried Scrooge, laughing and crying at the same time. “I feel as merry as a school boy. A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to the entire world.” 我不知道该怎么办!”斯克罗吉喊着,又笑又哭。我觉得像个小学生一样快乐。祝大家圣诞快乐!祝全世界新年快乐!”

“There’s the saucepan that the soup was in!” cried Scrooge, going around the room. “There’s the door, through which the ghost of Jacob Marley came in. There’s the corner where the Spirit of Christmas Present sat! It’s all right; it’s all true, it all happened.” Then he said, “I don’t know what day of the month it is!” said Scrooge. “I don’t know how long I’ve been among the spirits. I don’t know anything. I’m quite a baby. Never mind. I don’t care. I’d rather be a baby.” 汤在锅里!斯克罗吉绕着房间叫道。就是那扇门,雅各布·马利的幽灵魂就是从里面进来的。现在的圣诞幽灵就在那个角落里!这都是正确的;这都是真的,都发生过。他说、今天是几号、我不知道。斯克罗吉说。我不知道我沉浸在幽灵之中多久了。我什么都不知道。我真是个婴儿。不要紧。我也不在乎我宁愿当个婴儿。

Suddenly, the church bells began to ring in the distance. Scrooge quickly ran over to the window and looked out. There was no heavy fog. It was a cold day, but it was a fine day. 突然,远处教堂的钟声开始响起。斯克罗吉迅速跑到窗前向外看。没有浓雾。天气很冷,但天气很好。

“What’s today?” cried Scrooge, calling down to a boy in the street. 今天是什么日子?斯克罗吉喊道,对街上的一个男孩喊道。

“Today?” replied the boy. “It’s CHRISTMAS DAY!” 今天?”男孩回答说。圣诞节!”

“It’s Christmas Day!” said Scrooge to himself. “I haven’t missed it. The spirits have done it all in one night. They can do anything they like. Of course, they can. Of course, they can.” He called again to the boy. “Do you know the shop that sells turkeys?” he asked him. 今天是圣诞节!斯克罗吉自言自语道我没错过。幽灵魂们在一个晚上完成了这一切。他们可以做任何他们喜欢的事。当然,他们可以。当然,他们可以。他又对男孩喊道你知道卖火鸡的商店吗?他问他。

“Of course, I do,” replied the boy. 当然,我知道,男孩回答。

“Do you know whether they’ve sold that really big turkey that was hanging up there?” 你知道他们有没有把挂在那儿的那只大火鸡卖了吗?

“The one as big as me?” replied the boy. 和我一样大的那个?男孩回答。

“What a clever boy you are,” said Scrooge. “It’s a pleasure to talk to you. Yes, that’s the one.” 你真是个聪明的孩子,斯克罗吉说很高兴和你谈话。是的,就是那个。

“It’s hanging there now,” replied the boy. 它现在挂在那儿了,男孩回答。

“Is it?” asked Scrooge. “Good. Tell the shopkeeper to bring it here so that I may buy it, and tell him where to take it. Come back with him in less than five minutes, and I’ll give you a silver coin!? The boy ran off as fast as he could. 是吗?斯克罗吉问很好。告诉店主把它带到这儿来,这样我就可以买了,并告诉他把它带到哪儿去。不到五分钟就跟他回来,我给你一个银币!?那男孩尽可能快地跑掉了。

“I’ll send the turkey to Bob Cratchit’s!” Scrooge thought. “But he won’t know who’s sent it. What a joke.” He went to the door to wait for the man to bring the turkey. When he saw how big it was, he said to the man, “That’s too big to carry all the way to where Bob Cratchit lives. You must take a cab. I’ll pay for it and be happy to.” 我要把火鸡送到鲍勃·克拉奇家去!斯克罗吉想但他不知道是谁寄的。他走到门口等那个人把火鸡带来。当他看到它有多大时,他对那个人说:那太大了,不能一直带到鲍勃·克拉奇住的地方。你必须坐出租车。我会付钱的,我很乐意。

As soon as the man had left and he had given the boy a silver coin, Scrooge went back to his bedroom and put on his best clothes. Then he set out for a walk. He looked so happy and such a good man that everyone he

passed said, “Good morning, sir! A merry Christmas to you!” And Scrooge said often afterward, that of all the beautiful sounds he had ever heard, those were the most beautiful to his ears. 那人一走,给了男孩一枚银币,斯克罗吉就回到卧室,穿上他最好的衣服。然后他出发去散步。他看上去很高兴,是个好人,他经过的每个人都说:早上好,先生!祝你圣诞快乐!斯克罗吉后来经常说,在他所听到的所有美妙的声音中,那些声音对他来说是最美妙的。

He had not gone far, when coming on toward him he saw one of the men who had come to his office the day before and asked for money for the poor. “My dear sir,” said Scrooge, taking the old gentleman by both his hands. “How do you do? I hope you succeeded yesterday. It was very kind of you. A merry Christmas to you, sir!” 还没走多远,就走到他跟前,看见一个人前天到他办公室来,向穷人要钱我亲爱的先生,斯克罗吉说,握住老先生的双手你好?我希望你昨天成功了。你真是太好了。祝您圣诞快乐,先生!

“Mr. Scrooge?” 斯克罗吉先生?

“Yes,” said Scrooge. “That is my name. I am sorry about the way I spoke to you. Come and see me at my office tomorrow, and I will give you some money.” Scrooge whispered a huge sum of money into the old gentleman’s ear. 是的,斯克罗吉说那是我的名字。我对我和你说话的方式感到抱歉。明天到我办公室来见我,我会给你一些钱。斯克罗吉在老先生耳边低声说了一大笔钱。

“My dear, Mr. Scrooge, are you serious?” cried the old gentleman, as if his breath were taken away. “Such generosity.” 亲爱的,斯克罗吉先生,你是认真的吗?老先生喊道,好像他的呼吸被打断了如此慷慨。

“Don’t say anything, please,” said Scrooge. “Come and see me.” 请什么也别说,斯克罗吉说。快来看我。

Scrooge went to church and then walked about the streets, watched the people hurrying here and there, patted children on the head, questioned beggars, and looked down into the kitchens of houses and up to the windows and found that everything could give him pleasure. He had never dreamed that any walkthat anythingcould give him so much happiness. In the afternoon, Scrooge walked toward his nephew’s house. A servant girl answered the door. 斯克罗吉去教堂,然后在街上走来走去,看着人们来来往往地匆匆忙忙,拍着孩子们的头,审问乞丐,低头看着房子的厨房和窗户,发现一切都能给他带来快乐。他做梦也没想到任何一次散步都能给他带来如此多的幸福。下午,斯克罗吉朝他侄子家走去。一个女仆应门而来。

“Is your master at home, my dear?” asked Scrooge to the servant girl. 亲爱的,你的主人在家吗?斯克罗吉问女仆。

“Yes, sir.” 在的,先生。

“Where is he, my dear?” said Scrooge. 他在哪儿,亲爱的?斯克罗吉说。

“He’s in the dining room, sir. Come this way, please.” 他在餐厅,先生。请这边走。

When Scrooge entered the dining room, he said, “May I have dinner with you?” 当斯克罗吉走进餐厅时,他说:我可以和你一起吃晚饭吗?

His nephew and niece were very pleased to have him to dinner. With friends and other relatives, they had a happy dinner party. 他的侄子和侄女很高兴请他吃饭。他们和朋友及其他亲戚一起举行了一个愉快的晚宴。 The next morning, Scrooge was at the office early. He hoped to catch Bob Cratchit arriving late. And he did. The clock struck nine. No Bob. A quarter past. No Bob. He was eighteen minutes and a half late. Scrooge sat with his door wide open so that he would see him arrive. “Hello!” shouted Scrooge, trying to make his voice sound as angry as it usually was. “What do you mean by coming here at this time of day?” 第二天早上,斯克罗吉很早就到了办公室。他希望赶上鲍勃·克雷奇迟到。他做到了。钟敲了九下。不,鲍勃。一刻过去。不,鲍勃。他迟到了十八分半。斯克罗吉坐着,门开得很大,这样他就能看见他来了。你好!斯克罗吉大声喊道,试图使他的声音听起来像往常一样愤怒你这个时候来这里是什么意思?

“I am very sorry, sir,” said Bob. “I woke up late.” 非常抱歉,先生,鲍勃说我醒得很晚。 “Come over here.” 过来。

“It’s only once a year, sir,” said Bob. “I won’t be late again.” 一年只有一次,先生,鲍勃说我不会再迟到了。
