跳水的英语单词 推荐文章 猴子英语单词是什么 热度: 完美的英语单词怎么拼 热度: 英语六级作文必备单词大全 热度: 大学生英语四级高频单词 热度: 关于英语单词怎么记 热度: 跳水是一项优美的水上运动,它是从高处用各种姿势跃入水中或是从跳水器械上起跳,在空中完成一定动作姿势,并以特定动作入水的运动。那么你知道跳水的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 跳水英语单词: diving 跳水的英语例句: 多么优美的跳水! What a beautiful dive! 乔安妮刚学会跳水。 Joanne had just learnt to dive. 跳水运动员从高跳板上跳水。 The diver dived off the high board. 跳水者正在跳水时,他拍了张快照。 He took a photo of the plunger in action. 这位跳水冠军多大年纪? How old is the little diving champion? 海豚可以跳水并潜入海底。 Dolphins can dive deep underwater. 在这里跳水有危险吗? Can one dive here without danger? 这里就是汕头市游泳跳水馆。 This is the swimming and diving hall of shantou. 竞赛性跳水由竞技跳水和高空跳水组成。 The competition diving is composed by athletics diving and the upper air diving. 跳水池还有一套水体发泡系统来协助跳水。 The diving pool also has a water bubbling system to assist diving. 在她给公众保证专心于跳水运动后,才得以重新复出。 She was reinstated after she made a public pledge to recommit to diving. 憨豆先生去了一个游泳池想尝试一下高空跳水但却害怕。 Mr Bean goes to a swimming pool, and tries out the high diving board, but gets scared. 同时,全球最大核能供应商的股价在灾后遭遇大幅跳水,至今一直未恢复元气。 And, the stock prices of the world 's largest nuclear suppliers had yet to recover from a drastic post-disaster dive. 过去几天里,一组抓拍跳水运动员们面部表情的照片让人们炸开了锅。 A set of photos capturing the divers'concentrated faces while diving has caused a buzz in the past few days. 本届锦标赛共设游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球和长距离游泳5个大项。 The championships include 5 categories of swimming, diving, water ballet, water polo and long distance swimming. 而加拿大的一则广告则表现了一个小男孩在跳板上跃起后成长为一名奥运跳水冠军的情景。 A Canadian commercial shows a little boy grow into an Olympic gold medalist while springing from a diving board. 即使表面因跳水而受到损害,也不会产生导电轨道。 Even if the surface receives the harm because of the diving, also will not produce the electric conduction track. 当他浮上水面时,男孩们都站到了跳水的岩石上,准备做再一次 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a5ff1dddb90d4a7302768e9951e79b896802686b.html