
时间:2022-11-02 08:00:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Little friends, have you ever seen a panda? Today, I first went to possessing long island adit day panda enclosure to see the pandas.

The panda is very cute, its head round, like a big ball. Its ears

semicircle, like my stationery semicircle ruler; It has small eyes, like two black marbles, around the rim of the eye black, called "panda eye", when the adults stay up or fight fist on the eyes, will become "panda eye", so know the history of the "panda eye"? It is triangular nose, like a small dumplings, small mouth, short limbs, body fat, start to gently across, it has nine pieces of black, is a nose, two eyes, two ears, four legs.

I see a panda in the panda enclosure three only. A just lounging in sleep, when it saw us come in, when he sat up and looked at us, idly seem seems to have played with us hello, lazily lie down again to continue its dream, is so cute! Straight to sit down on the ground, as a very honest with relish eating bamboo, like we usually eat sugar cane, it eat can be sweet sweet, is really enjoy! And the other doing? Look, it comfortably leaned against the wood in bamboo, eating side carefree, side as if he were with us said: "you see me how nice!"

I like the lovely panda. Little friends, do you also want to go to see the pandas?

小朋友们,你们看过熊猫吗?今天,我第一次去温岭长屿硐天的熊猫馆看熊猫。 熊猫的样子很可爱,它的头圆圆的,像一个大皮球;它的耳朵半圆的,像我的文具半圆尺子;它的'眼睛小小的,像两颗黑色的玻璃弹珠,眼圈周围黑黑的,称之为“熊猫眼”,当大人们熬夜或者打架拳头朝眼睛上打时,就会变成“熊猫眼”,这下知道了“熊猫眼”的来历了吧?它的鼻子是三角形的,像一个小粽子,嘴巴小小的,四肢短短的,身体肥肥的,走起路来慢悠悠地,它的身上有九块黑色的地方,就是一个鼻子、两只眼睛、两只耳朵、四条腿。


吃甘蔗一样,看它吃得可香可甜了,真是享受极了!而另一只在干嘛呢?瞧,它舒服地斜靠着木头在吃竹子呢,一边悠然自得地吃着,一边像是在与我们说:“你们看我多惬意啊!” 我可喜欢熊猫那可爱的样子了。小朋友们,你们是不是也很想去看一看熊猫呢? Today, our family visit to the hangzhou wildlife animals together, there can be more animals. Starling, northeast big tiger, as well as national

treasure panda... Among them, the most precious, most lovely, the most lively and clever is the giant panda. Let me carefully introduce for everybody! The body of the giant panda is short and fat. The tail is a little short. Hair is very smooth. Pandas like to eat most is black and green bamboo, you see, giant pandas eat bamboo how happy ah! Giant pandas have nothing to do. Is holding the rounded head fast asleep. In addition to sleep is to eat. The most funny is that two black, like didn't sleep like yesterday. There is a very funny thing is that he start to rickety, to a black and white duck.

I also want to know more about the giant panda, so I asked the keeper uncle, uncle said: "the panda called xiaoxiao, before when I was a child he always climb from this tree to that tree is all, now grown up, sleeping all day, as long as hear a sound, xiaoxiao just open your eyes to see, and then sleep."

How about this giant pandas are cute, naive?



我还想了解更多关于大熊猫的事,于是,我问了饲养员叔叔,叔叔说:“这只大熊猫叫晓晓,以前小的时候他老是从这棵树上爬到那棵树上很凡,现在长大了,整天都在睡觉,只要听到一点声音,晓晓就张开眼睛看看,然后又睡了。” 怎么样这只大熊猫很可爱,很天真是吗?
