
时间:2022-03-24 00:32:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The challenge is meant to improve all areas of learning a language, like grammar, reading, writing, and listening. Some ideas I've been using myself and others I found from other people. 学习一门语言,挑战的一点事如何从多方面(听、说、读、)来同步学习,以下的观点,部分给基于自己的学习经验,还有一些是从他人身上学习到的。 Focusing on setting goals: 专注制定学习目标: Vocabulary: 词汇:

Create a limit of how many words you want to learn in a day/week/month/these 3 months 量化三个月你所要学会的词汇,细化到天// Log how much you learned each day/week/month 记录每天//月你学了哪些词汇

Create a list of all the words so you can quiz yourself at the end of each day/week/month/these 3 months

罗列所有学习过的词汇,每天//月末定期给自己测试掌握情况 Grammar: 语法:

Try to read something new each day 每天尝试读一些新文章

It can be English on Facebook, in the news, posts on SNS 素材可以是Facebook,国际新闻或者SNS的帖子的英文内容 Do you understand all the grammar? If not, write it down. 语法你都懂了吗?如果没有,请记下来

Try to make a log of how much grammar you know and want to know. 尝试写下所有你已经知道的或你想要学习的语法知识

Use the grammar you know in future sentences/journals/while speaking.

将你知道的语法运用到以后的句子/日志/或口语中 Listening: 听力:

Try to listen to an entire show/movie/song without subtitles. 多去听完看完那些不带字幕的演出、电视剧和歌曲

How much did you know? After that put on the subtitles and figure out what you missed. 你知道多少?加上字母后,对比一下,看自己漏读了哪些信息

Set goals for how long/much you want to listen in a day/week/month/these 3 months. 量化三个月内所要听的内容以及时间,细化到天//

Set a goal to watch/listen to a certain amount of shows/movies/songs. 量化你所要计划听的外文演出、电视剧和歌曲 Speaking: 口语

How well do you speak? 你能说多好?

Try to speak for at least 1 hour in your target language. 每天花一个小时讲英语 Can you already do that? 你已经能做到这个了吗?

Then increase the hour. Maybe 2 maybe 5. Maybe a whole day.


You can make a video of yourself speaking about a topic. At the end of the three months you can watch it again and judge yourself.



又一年寒假到来了!这次寒假大约有五十多天,而四月份马上就面临专四考试了。为了更好地准备专四考试,这个寒假绝对不能荒废!!因此,我制定了以下计划: 一、每个星期做两套专四真题,严格按照时间要求,完整地完成试卷; 二、每两天背一课单词,周末总复习;


四、每天看英文*或电视剧(LietomeGossipgirl) 我要好好努力!为了最初的梦想,拼了!!
