尘埃落定的意思是什么 尘埃落定的意思: 多用来表示事情经过了曲折变化终于有了结果。 1、尘埃落到地下,比喻事情有了结果。 2、比喻事情经过许多变化,终于有了结果;或经过一阵混乱后将结果确定下来。 盖棺论定 悬而未决 用法 作宾语、定语;多用于书面语。注:此词后不可以带补语! 中英例句 不过,随着尘埃落定,中国的后危机策略引发了一系列疑问。 Yet as the dust settles, china's post-crisis strategy is raising questions. 在地缘政治格局尘埃落定之前,世界将会经历诸多剧变。 There are upheavals aplenty to come before the world has a settled geopolitical landscape. 不过,随着尘埃落定,我们还是看到了一些赢家。 As the dust settled, however, there were some winners. 显然,ipad商标权之争在中国还未尘埃落定。 The ipad trademark is still up for grabs in china, apparently. 但尘埃落定之后,前两大利好消息实际上可能凸显了股市投资者最初为何如此担忧。 But after the dust settles, the first two of those drivers may actually underscore the reasons stock-market investors are so worried in the first place. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a702ce227cd5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c8589a6.html