英语考试作文 30日雅思考试写作真题大作文范文 In some countries the widespread use of internet has given people more freedom to work or study at home instead of traveling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages? 9月30日雅思考试写作话题:在一些国家,互联网的广普及让人们可以在家办公和学习,这是一件利大于弊的事吗? 2017年雅思考试真题大作文多版本范文汇总(持续更新) 经典推荐:考官级口语写作9分范文资料超级大汇总(史无前例数百篇) 真题范文: Modern inventions have greatly changed the way we live and work and one of the most important inventions is the internet. We are given more freedom in the choice of where to work and study. People cannot help wondering the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In our efforts to make achievements in career, we find the internet a blessing. No longer do we have to spend hours commuting before we squeeze ourselves in unsettling offices. We also do not have to worry about our work being interrupt by unexpected knocks at our office door. Sipping a cup of tea on the sofa at home, a manager can a company by sending emails. Students also benefit greatly from the wide spread of the Internet. One of the main reasons why students in the past failed to show academic performance is the lack of proper books or materials. This, however, is not a concern thanks to the advent of the internet. A click of a button allows them to access sorts of books and videos that relate to their majors, illuminating them in their search of high level of knowledge. However, all these do not necessarily mean that there is no drawback. The line between leisure and work or study has been blurred because of the internet. In the past, our work started in morning and finished in the sunset. After arriving home, we could enjoy what we call quality time with our family. When we were in a holiday, it mean uninterrupted leisure without having to worry about work. However, there is no such distinction any more. Checking emails before sleeping late in the night and early in the morning is part of what we do now. Can we say that we are truly enjoying ourselves if we are 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a72ab26f872458fb770bf78a6529647d2628344e.html