三只小猪盖房子的故事 英文 The Story of Three Little Pigs Building Houses Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They were brothers and they decided to leave their mother and build their own houses. The first pig built his house with straw, the second pig built his house with sticks, and the third pig built his house with bricks. The first little pig thought that building a straw house was the easiest and fastest way to have a warm place to live. He worked hard all day and finally made a straw house in one afternoon. The straw was soft and the house was cozy. The first pig was very happy with his new home. The second little pig also thought that building a house with sticks was a good idea. He collected a lot of sticks and made a house. The sticks were strong enough to stand up, but the house was not sturdy enough to withstand any strong winds or dangerous animals. The third little pig was different from his brothers. He knew that he had to think carefully before building his house, so he decided to build a house with bricks. He put a lot of effort into making the bricks, digging the foundation, and building the walls. The bricks were heavy, but they were strong enough to resist any disaster that might come. One day, a hungry wolf came to the area. He saw the first little pig's straw house and decided to eat him. The wolf knocked on the door and asked the pig to let him in. The pig refused and the wolf blew the straw house down and ate the little pig. Then the wolf came to the second little pig's stick house. He knocked on the door and asked the pig to let him in. The pig refused again, but the wolf blew the stick house down and ate the little pig. Finally, the wolf arrived at the third little pig's brick house. He knocked on the door and asked the pig to let him in. The pig refused firmly and the wolf tried to blow the house down, but he failed. The brick house was too strong and resilient, and the wolf was exhausted from all his efforts. He gave up and left the area. The three little pigs learned a valuable lesson from this experience. The first and second pigs realized that they should have thought more carefully before building their houses. The third little pig learned the importance of hard work, determination, and perseverance. In conclusion, the story of Three Little Pigs is an insightful tale of planning, perseverance and hard work. It teaches children that they need to think ahead and work hard to achieve their goals. It also shows that true success is not achieved by taking 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a77d6e76ff4ffe4733687e21af45b307e871f9d1.html