
时间:2022-04-06 04:00:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
A Summary of The Evolution of the Symbol Uncle Sam

The article whose title is The Evolution of the Symbol Uncle Sam includes 1247 words.This article mainly tells us about the evolution of the symbol Uncle Same.After careful reading,it is not difficult for us to find that this article contains four main parts which are the icon’s origin,the process of its evolution,the reasons of Uncle Sam’s popularization,and the impacts of the symbol.

As for the first part,it shows us that Uncle Sam is the culmination of a tradition of representative male icons in America which can be traced well back into colonial times.Besides,the actual figure of Uncle Sam whose name is Samuel Wilson dates from the War of 1812.

In the second part,we are informed that the symbol evolved step by step.Initially from the actual man to the popular cartoon figure and then from the popular cartoon figure to the old figure with a beard.At last, the final version that we are most familiar with today was set by James Montgomery Flagg on the famous “I Want You” recruiting poster in 1917.

Next comes the third part which tells us the reasons of Uncle Sam’s popularity.There are three main factors as follows. The first reason is Uncle Sam’s lack of definitive link to a specific region.The next reason is Sam’s role as an unofficial uncle which protected and maintained but didn’t rule or punish.Last but not least,Uncle Sam is purely an American product.

The last part describes the impacts of the symbol Uncle Sam.The image has a part in American’s self-identification.More importantly,the rest of the world relates the image to American.
