常识普及啦~~邮件中常用到的缩写 英语有的拼写体系非常的复杂,并且拼出一个单词需要很长的时间。因此,很多人就开始缩写这些单词,比如外贸领域的客户们,最典型的缩写就是:as soon as possible 缩写为asap,客人下单后一般发一EMAL过来要求尽快把P/I 发过去去确认的就常用这个缩写! 小编认为,这些缩写,不主张用啦,只是如果收到这样的邮件,至少看的懂~对呗? 1. FYI = For your information 仅供参考 2. Cc = Carbon copy. Enter the address of anyone you'd like to receive a copy of your email on the cc line. 抄送。在抄送一栏中输入你希望收到你的邮件副本的人员地址。 3. Bcc = Blind carbon copy. If you want to send a copy of your email without the original recipient's knowledge, put the address on the Bcc line. 暗送。如果你想发送邮件复本,又不想让原始接受人知道,就在暗送一栏中输入地址。 4. Spam (n) = electronic junk mail 电子**邮件 5. Scroll (v.)= to move text or graphics up or down or across a display screen as if unrolling a Chinese scroll painting. 例句: If you scroll down to the very bottom, you will see my contact numbers. 上下或左右移动正文或图片,如同打开中国卷轴画。例:如果你拉动画面到最下方,你将看到我的联系电话。 6. Flaming (n.) = using rude or obscene language in an email message or sending such messages.例句: Flaming is strictly prohibited in workplace. 在电子邮件通信中使用粗鲁或猥亵的语言,或发送这样的信息。 例:在工作场合严禁使用猥亵的语言 7. Group list = email addresses of a group of people with whom you communicate frequently. Most email software allow the storage of such group lists, enabling users to select a name for each group and send messages without having to type multiple addresses. 群体列表, 即经常联系的一组人员的电子邮件地址。大多数电子信函软件都能储存这样的地址列表,允许使用者为每组起个名字以便在发送信件时无须录入全部地址。 8. BTW = By the way 顺便说一句 9. LOL = Laughing out loud 大声笑 10. FAQ = Frequently asked questions 常见问答 11. FYEO = For your eyes only; confidential 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a965176474232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe313.html