五一劳动节英语手抄报内容:古代诗歌与劳动 Poetry originates from labor, the labor of primitive human voices and work song, is the earliest oral poetry, which can reduce the tension of labor, and because the rhythm and the rhythm is beautiful and pleasant mood. The earliest Chinese poetry existing written is contained in the "spring and Autumn" Wu Yue the "playing", only eight words: "broken bamboo, bamboo fly continued, soil, a meat", it is said that the Yellow Emperor era produced a folk song, only four of two speech phrase, is extremely brief description of the whole process of primitive hunting work. 《诗经》作为中国的第一部诗歌总集,包含着丰富的中华民族文化精神,其中就有很多描写劳动场景的诗篇。例如《噫嘻》中描绘了大规模耕作的情形:“噫嘻成王,既昭假尔,率时农夫,播厥百谷。骏发尔私,终三十里。亦服尔耕,十千维耦。”再如《绵》中写建筑场面,很有气氛:“捄之陾陾,度之薨薨,筑之登登,削屡冯冯,百堵皆兴,鼛鼓弗胜。”还有那首《七月》,从春天整理农具到田里耕作,老婆孩子去田头送饭,到七八月里,他们打枣子,割葫芦。十月里收下稻谷,酿制春酒,给老人祝寿。基本写全了远古时代的劳动场景,同时写出了奴隶们的穷苦与老爷们富足的对比,有极大的思想性。 "The book of songs" as China's first collection of poetry, contains abundant cultural spirit of the Chinese nation, there are descriptions of many labor scene poem. For example "mean" depicted in large-scale farming situations: "Yixi king, is false, Zhao, the farmer sowing rate, faint valley. Junfa, private, terminal thirty. Also suit, tillage, ten dimensional coupling." The "cotton" written in architectural scenes, the atmosphere is very Ju: "the Reng Reng, of numerous, Zhu Deng Deng, Feng Feng cut repeatedly, 100 blocking all Xing, Gao drum Eph wins." And the song "spring" from July, finishing tools to the fields, his wife and children went to the farm meal, to seven in August, they play dates, cut the gourd. In October to accept rice, brewed liquor, to the elderly birthday. Basically write all the ancient labor scene, at the same time to write the slaves of the poor and the Lords rich contrast, thought of very high. 中国作为诗歌的国度,按理说应该有很多描写劳动场景的诗歌,不过令人遗憾的是,在中国浩如瀚海的古代诗歌中,自《诗经》以后,描写劳动场景的诗歌却很少,能称为精品的则凤毛麟角。其中的当数那首《悯农》了,“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”这首唐代小诗,从艺术角度来讲,可能不算上乘,但却有着极强的感染力。诗中所写的内容是人们经常接触到的最熟悉的事情,深刻且真实,再加上语言通俗、质朴,音节和谐明快,朗朗上口,所以流传极广,妇孺皆知。 China as a nation of poetry, supposedly a lot about labor scene poetry, unfortunately, in the vast Chinese web of ancient poems, from "the book of songs", describing the labor scene poetry is little, can be called quality is very rare. One of the best when the number of the song "agro-pity", "hoe Wo day when, sweat wo soil. Who knows the food, journey." The Song Dynasty poetry, from an artistic point of view, may not be good, but it has very strong infectivity. The poem is written content is the most familiar things people often come into contact with, profound and true, coupled with the popular language, simple, syllable harmony and lively, GetWord, so spread widely, even woman and children all know. 五月在乡村是最繁忙的季节,夏收夏种赶在一起,这在白居易的《观刈麦》中有所描写,“田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。妇姑荷箪食,童稚携壶浆。相随饷田去,丁壮在南冈。”整首诗歌很具体地描写了麦收时的情景,既有热烈的劳动场面,又表达出古代农民的疾苦,实是一首不可多得的现实主义诗篇。 May in the country is the most busy season, he went out together, which is described in Bai Juyi's "concept mow Mai", "Tian less busy, busy times people in May. Night wind, wheat covering long yellow. Wives with rice, childish with slurry pot. With the first Tian, Ding Zhuang in namkang." The whole poem is the detailed description of the wheat harvest at the scene, both warm labor scene, and express the ancient farmers suffering, is a rare realistic poems. 古代描写劳动的诗歌即使还有,但与描写情感、战争、风光之类诗歌比起来,不但数量少且质量不高,究其原因,主要是那时劳动人民社会地位低下,没有得到应有的重视。很多诗人们社会地位高高在上,脱离了最基础的劳动人民。而熟悉劳动场景的劳动人民本身,又没有得到受教育的机会,因而作不出描写底层的诗歌,即使有,也被当成下里巴人而无法得到流传,这不能不说是诗歌本身的一大缺憾。 Ancient depiction of labor poetry while there, but with the description of emotion, such as war, landscape poetry is not only a small number, and the quality is not high, investigate its reason, is mainly that the working people of low social status, did not receive due attention. Many poets social position superior, from the most basic of working people. Familiar with labor scene of the working people, did not get the opportunity to receive education, thus not describe the underlying poetry, even if there is, has been as popular literature or art can not be passed, it can not be said to be a major shortcoming of poetry itself. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a969ba1993c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad7a1.html