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备用英语说法1 backup

备用英语说法2 spare

备用英语说法3 reserve 备用英语例句:


He had two flat tires and no spare on a country road, which was certainly a pretty kettle of fish.


Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。

You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 将豆腐切丁、芹菜切丝备用。

Dice tofu to be cubes and dice celery to be julienne. 其他人辩称,更切中要害的问题,是备用系统为何会失灵。 Others argue the much more pertinent question is why the backup systems failed.


Some carburetors have an auxiliary fuel valve and inlet. 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。

They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement.


Turn on the cold water and rinse the sago under the water. 随后备用数据将流动到主系统中。

Then the standby data will flow to the primary. 我们可在备用房间睡觉过夜。

We were able to bunk(down) in a spare room for the night. 当一台服务器上发生故障时,那么该备用适配器就从另一服务器上接管所有连接。

When a failure happens on one server, then this standby adapter takes overall connections from the other server.


Elephants and other animals could walk freely without scraping their headon the ceiling -- with plenty of room to spare.


If one of the two adapters fails at that point, then there is no additionalstandby adapter to be used as a backup.

另一个服务器是备用成员,因为它的唯一负载是集群复制。 The other server is a standby member because its only load is clusterreplication.


This ensures that recovered files can be put into a spare directory, and notthe live location.


If there is an issue with the diesels, you have a battery backup. 在此情况下,您需要将主要计算机上的数据库作为备用数据库启动,以便这两个数据库重新保持同步。

In this situation, you need to start the database on the
