Sun: WhyI don"t know what I"m doing wrong 为什么我不知道我到底做错了什么 Moon: You are right.I"m wrong.Forgive me,pleae. 你没有做错什么,是我做错了。请原谅我! Sun: I ee.I"m not hate you at all.I hould be thank you! I have been learning from you what i loveI will 我明白了。我一点也不恨你。我应该感谢你,是你让我学会了什么是 爱Moon: I hope you are happy everyday!No more boring,no aching.It i improtant that we are away good freind. 我希望你每一天都快乐!没有太多的烦恼,没有疼痛。最重要的是, 我们还是好朋友! Sun: En OK!Thank!You too! 好的,谢谢!你也是。 Moon: Ok! 好的。 Do you believe her e某cue 你相信她的借口吗 Of coure not. I knew he had fallen in love with another guy. It i difficult to ee her move on o quickly. 当然不,我知道她爱上了别人。看到她这么快移情别恋我真的很难过。 本文来源: