穷人与富人 故事梗概:乞丐分别向穷人和富人乞讨,富人拥有财富但不愿施舍,穷人贫穷但是愿意与乞丐分享自己的食物。最后乞丐化身圣诞老人,送给穷人一份礼物,礼物最后变成圣诞树。 场景1:富人在餐馆吃饭 富人:Chicken, fish, pizza, yummy… 看着食物,边吃边说。最后吃饱了:I am full. 穷人在餐馆外卖水果 穷人:fruits, apples, oranges, fresh fruits 一边提着篮子一边拿出水果叫卖,外面风大,衣服单薄,觉得很冷:It’s cold. 富人走出饭店:面对观众说 I am a rich man, I am very rich. 穷人面对观众说: I am a poor man, I am very poor 这个时候乞丐蜷缩着出场,神秘的面对观众说: Who am I? shh…later you will know 场景2:乞丐走向富人 乞丐: I am thirsty,I am hungry, 拉着富人说please, please give me some food! 富人: 推开乞丐的手I am a rich man, 整理了下衣服I am very rich, I have bread and milk, but I will not give them to you, poor man.转身离开 乞丐: 乞丐继续走,走到穷人身边乞讨道:I am thirsty,I am hungry, I am tired and cold, 凑近穷人please, please give me some bread. 穷人:穷人把水果放到篮子里说道 I am poor, I only have these fruits边说边给乞丐看,but I would like to share them with you 从篮子里拿出一个水果递给乞丐。 乞丐:乞丐接过水果低声说Thank you, you are very nice,说着拿出礼物I have a present for you, 做出种树的样子plant and take care of it, it will bless you. 说完变成圣诞老人消失了。 礼物变成了圣诞树。 最后所有演员一起出场分发糖果。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/abbe88e8a9956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a1a3.html