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系数用英文怎么说 系数的英文: coefficient factor modulus quotiety ratio 参考例句: Import coefficient

进口系数Expansion coefficient 扩展系数Permeability coefficient

透气系数Reverberation transmission coefficient 混响传输系数Severity factor []度系数Intensifying factor

增感系数Non-linear harmonic distortion coefficient 非线性谐波失真系数Lagrangian interpolation coefficient 拉格朗日插值系数It is necessary to elaborate on the definition of a fatigue coefficient such as that for ductility.

有必要对疲劳系数,如延性系数的定义作详细讨论。descartes's solution of a depressed quarto equation employs the method of undetermined coefficients

笛卡儿的分解四次方程的'解法采用待定系数。coefficient是意思: n. 系数;率 adj. 共同作用的

Coefficient of viscous traction (=Trauton's coefficient) 拉伸粘性系数,粘性曳引系数The binomial coefficients are ubiquitous in Combinational Theory

二项系数在组合论中有普遍的应用。Pascal published a treatise

on binomial coefficient.

帕斯克发表了二项系数的论文。factor是什么意思: n. 因素;因数;代理人

v. 做代理商;分解…的因子,将…分解成因子;把…作为因素考虑 factor of amplification

仪器放大率 susceptibility factor

敏感因素|感受性因数 These amplify the effects of other factors. 这放大了因素的影响。modulus是什么意思: n. ,系数,模数

The testing method of dynamic modulus for semi-rigid materials is submitted initiatively.

初步确定了半刚性材料的动态模量的试验方法。Cellulosic fibers such as cotton, linen and high- wet - modulus rayons may be bleached with sodium hypochlorite or sodium chlorite as well as with hydrogen peroxide.

