
时间:2022-07-25 07:43:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




你是明启中学的高三学生李华, 看到电视台有报道说一些超市有大量临近保质期的食物,物针对这些食


1.对如何处理这些临近保质期的食品提供建议 2.提出这些建议的理由 (信的开头和结尾已给)

评析:首先,现在的高考作文就像半个翻译句子,对于一些词,下笔前要斟酌一番。这里“临近保质 期的食物”可以说

food approaching expiry date ,或者绕开生词,说“

food that is about to go bad ”,千



今年的高考作文给考生的信函开头也暗藏玄机, To whom it may concern ”指“敬启者”,也就是收到





薄彼”,也可以“并驾齐驱” ,但切忌“虎头蛇尾” ---提议和理由都要经得起推敲,有逻辑,有结构。



科技公司合作,用这些食物研发 bio gasoline ,营造绿色环境” ,可谓脑洞大开。


To whom it may concern

Having watched your recent report about a huge stock of food approaching expiry date, I

some suggestions to help.

入题要快更要“准” ,引出话题不要过多“骚操作”

The Chinese New Year is round the corner. Meanwhile, there are housing and railway construction sites running round the clock, where hundreds of migrant workers sacrifice their precious family reunion to meet the deadline. I suggest launching a New Year Purchasing Program for these builders of Shanghai,

allowing them a special discount on the food in these supermarkets. 接下去就一段踩住一个点,这里讲建议,下面讲理由,结构清晰。

Shanghai couldn havet been such a commercial hub and financial center but for the sweat these migrant workers shed. Thus, they deserve some favorable treatment for their prime years devoted to the city. Meanwhile, milk, bread, coffee and snacks are consumed by many, but are considered dear by those who

save every penny for their faraw ay families. This program serves as a token of our locals gratitude, res their needs and maintains the dignity of them, for they can decide the amount and sort of food to buy by

themselves. Last but not least, it serves the need of supermarket managers as well. By no means can they find a more meaningful and affordable way to address this problem.

立意各有想法,这里宜写“大” 。解决浪费问题是“小” ,借此扩大到促和谐繁荣,社会发展。构思时多问自己一句“如何与众不同” 。

I sincerely hope my advice can help both the supermarkets and the people in need. Thank you for taking it into account.

Yours, Li Hua
