
时间:2023-09-30 01:18:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

你知道2030的英文单词怎么写吗?一起来学习一下吧! 2030的英文单词: 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- five 26 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirty


1. The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries. 上半场以213领先的法国队有8个达阵得分。

2. The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations. 报告中把英国排在22个先进国家中的第20 3. The next line should read: Five days, 23.5 hours. 下一行应该是:5天,23.5小时。

4. For help on crime prevention, call our 24-hour advice line. 若想获得预防犯罪方面的帮助,请拨打我们的24小时咨询热线。 5. Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other.


6. Just 26 per cent of households are married couples with dependent children.


7. The Customs Service seized 27.2 metric tons of cocaine in 1986.


8. Some 28,000 US troops are moving into position. 2.8万人的美国军队即将部署到位。 9. I'm 29 and three-quarters. 29岁零9个月。

10. We got married when I was 30 for all the wrong reasons. 由于种种阴差阳错,我30岁时我们结了婚。

11. The pressure began to tell as rain closed in after 20 laps. 跑完20圈以后,眼看就要下雨了,大家开始紧张起来。
