
时间:2023-12-12 09:04:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

如果说生命是一本书,那么时间则是一支笔,书写着人生。店铺整理了关于时间的英语短文带翻译,欢迎阅读! 关于时间的英语短文带翻译篇一

Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. Its a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.


The more we are aware of the significance of this famous

saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.



珍惜今天 Cherish Today

Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.


Yesterday has become the history. Nothing we can do to save it. Tomorrow is not within our reach. We dont know what will happen tomorrow. So the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have today and fight for tomorrow. Victory only belongs to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should make full use of today, fighting for what we want.

昨天已成为历史。我们不能做什么来挽救它。明天不是我们力所能及的。我们不知道明天会发生什么。所以我们唯一能做的就是珍惜今天,为明天而战。胜利只属于那些努力的人!因此,今天我们应该充分利用今天,争取我们想要的东西。 关于时间的英语短文带翻译篇三

If you ask me what is the most precious, I would say that its time. Time is something once lost, you could never have again. Therefore, we should cherish it and spend it in meaningful things. However, many people do too many meaningless things to kill their time, such as playing computer, watching TV, or gossiping. When you do these things, the time has long been unwittingly flowed away. In my opinion, the best way to make full use of time is planning your time rationally and sticking the plan firmly. Spending more time on something significant not only will make
