
时间:2022-04-28 20:35:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
变坏/出错/生气/抓狂go bad /wrong/mad/crazy 升职/开除/惩罚get promoted/dismissed/punished 入睡/生病/安静fall asleep/ill/silent

红灯笼red lanterns 传统招牌traditional signage 重修之后恢复到现在的样子be restored into its current form

历史可以追溯到trace its history back/date back to 引人注目的建筑knockout building 绿树成荫的人行道tree-lined sidewalks 大声尖叫let out a high-pitched scream 大笑erupt in laughter/burst into laughter/burst out laughing 放到一边set aside 激动地哭了起来cry in excitement 彼此扶持link arms with each other 坚守家庭传统stick to family traditions 保持好奇心keep our sense of curiosity 形状完美的perfectly shaped ...一致correspond with 组委会the organizing committee 在表面上on the surface 拆开take…apart 突出...的重要性highlight the importance of 越来越严重的问the growing problem of 废旧设备old and abandoned devices 有害物质harmful substances 渗进土壤leach into the soil 启动多种新方案start multiple initiatives ...的原因be motivated by 性别歧视sex discrimination 幸亏,万幸thankfully 最极端the most extreme end 仅仅merely/only/simply 故意地on purpose 在增长on the rise 值得怀疑deserve some skepticism 高比率的抑郁症high rates of depression 反复被提及的regularly repeated 文化上得到的认同culturally acceptable 模糊不清be vague about 花朵盛开in full bloom 富含be rich in 深远的,广泛的far and wide 充满be packed/ filled with; be full of 处理严重的问题cope with a serious issue 多种选择a variety of alternatives ...有利be favorable for 用语言表达情感translate feelings into words 过另一种生活live an alternative lifestyle 通常typically; usually; generally; normally 为他们的行为付出代价answer for their behavior 应门,开门answer the door ...归功于owe…to…/attribute… to… 踢进球kick a goal ...来说是不可缺少的be indispensable to 在某种程度上to some extent 使自己受损diminish oneself 激发了更多的眼泪trigger more tears 蜂拥到某地flock into 老年夫妇elderly couple

完全地,彻底地through and through 非常期望,高度期望highly anticipate 装备有be equipped/fitted/armed with 最好的top of the line 满足...的需求meet the demands of 处理,应付cope with/deal with/handle 更大范围的a broader scope of 一种娱乐形式a form of entertainment 家人团聚family reunion 经过...旁边pass...by 拼凑起来piece together 阐明,使...清楚地显示出来shed light on ...相似parallel to ...区分开来distinguish...from ...直接相关be directly linked to 低头不语lower one's head without a word 他突然想出了一个主意an idea strikes him/an idea occurs to him 照顾,照料attend to/take care of/looker after 从那时候起from then on 眼泪涌入他的眼眶with tears welling in his eyes ...相关的be relevant to
