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【期刊名称】《中国科技术语》 【年(),期】2015(17)5

【摘 要】Many military terms are used in the remarkable September 3 Great Parade. Among them, there are the military terms about basic forms and major procedures concerning Great Parade, as wel as the inspected armament and equipment. Based on interpreting these military terms, this article argues that the use of these terms not only conveys the basic information on the ceremony of Great Parade, but also reflects the new achievement and new change of our military building. Meantime, it also forecasts that the military reform wil start and further deepen according to the demand of winning wars in the future.%在举世瞩目、气势宏伟的9·3盛大阅兵仪式中使用了很多军语。其中,既包括与阅兵的基本形式、主要程序等有关的军语,也包括与受阅装备有关的军语。文章在对这些军语进行诠释的基础上,认为这些军语的使用,不仅传递了阅兵仪式的基本信息,更重要的是反映出我军建设的新发展新成就新变化,同时预示着军队改革将以确保我军能打仗打胜仗的要求拉开序幕并不断深化。 【总页数】4(P61-64) 【作 者】杨鲁

【作者单位】全军军事术语管理委员会办公室,北京 100091


【中图分类】H083;N04;E0 【相关文献】

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