吸毒人群回回社会治理措施研究 【中文摘要】我国吸毒人群一直呈增长趋势 , 政府在吸毒人群回回社会 的政策上一直束手无策。究其原因 , 一方面,社会对吸毒人群的标签意识 , 使吸毒 职员一旦身份被公然 , 就被定位为一个社会价值低、行为败坏、心理上有缺陷的 人。社会标签意识的形成源于政府部分对吸毒人群的定位。多年来 , 政府部分无 论在对吸毒职员的处罚措施 ,还是在宣传导向上 ,都把吸毒人群当成严重违 *** 规 则、应受谴责的人群来看待。然而 , 吸毒人群对毒品的依靠性 , 实际上是一种大 脑疾病,吸毒人群对毒品的渴求 , 是本人意志难以控制的。吸毒人群更多地应被 定义为病人、受害人。近年来 , 我国政府部分逐渐改变了对吸毒人群的定位 ,倾 向于用治疗的手段而不是用惩罚的手段对待吸毒人群。另一方面 , 目前政府部分 还没有找到有效地帮助吸毒人群回回社会的治理措施。我国固然引进了国外美 沙酮维持治疗方法和清洁针具交换计划等一系列治疗措施 , 有效地防止了艾滋病 及其他血液或体液传染病的传播 , 但这只能是在一定程度上降低了毒品的危害 , 并不能解决吸毒题目 , 更不能彻底解决吸毒人群的社会功能恢复的题目。为使吸 毒人群真正脱离对毒品的依靠 , 恢复其社会功能 , 成功回回社会。本文利用社会 标签理论、再社会化和心理矫治理念 , 在分析我国吸毒人群现状的基础上 ,剖析 了我国当前帮助吸毒人群回回社会治理措施的现状和存在的题目 , 通过鉴戒国外 对吸毒人群回回社会的治理实践 ,结合我国自身的特点 , 从治疗模式、帮教机 构、动态管控、无毒社区建立及就业实现模式等五个方面提出了建立吸毒人群 回回社会的治理措施。 '); 【 Abstract 】 China\'s drug users have been shown a growth trend all the time, and the government has no good solution for the drug users ' social integration. The reason is consisted of two aspects: on one hand, it is because of social tagging problem. As soon as the drug user is exposed to the public, he will be tagged as a man of low social value, behavior corruption and mental defection. Such kind of social tagging consciousness derives from the definition of the government towards the drug users. Over the years, from the punishment countermeasures to the publicity orient, the government took the drug users as a group of men who had severely violated the social rules and should be condemned. However, the drug users 'dependence and desire towards the drug is just a kind of brain disease and it is out of the drug users 'control. Besides a criminal, the drug user should also be defined as a patient or a victim. In the resent years, the Chinese government has been gradually changing its attitude towards the drug users, it tend to treat the drug users with the therapeutic method instead of punishment only. On the other hand, the government has not found an effective managerial countermeasure yet to help the drug users integrating with the society. Although we have imported a serial of measures such as the Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Clean Needle Exchange Program, and they have effectively prevented the spread of the AIDS and other blood or bodily fluids borne diseases, but such kind of measures can only reduce the harm of drug to some extent, they can not solve the drug use problem, and they can not thoroughly solve the social function recovery problem of the drug users.To help the drug users retreat from the dependence on the drugs, recover their social functions and finally reintegrate with the society, this article applies the social tagging theory and social and psychological correction theories to study the problem. Basing on the analysis of the current situation of the drug users in China, the essay analyzes the managerial measures and existing problems on the government efforts to help the patients to reintegrate with the society. Taking advantage of the foreign practical experience on the reintegration with the society of the drug users, the author puts forward some managerial measures to help the patients from the following five aspects with the Chinese characteristics in mind: the therapy modes, help and education agencies, dynamic management and control, drug-free community construction and employment realization modes. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b14825f9961ea76e58fafab069dc5022aaea46e3.html