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篇一:野性的呼唤 读后感 英文 The Call Of The Wild review

The Gold Rush in the Yukon and Alaska has prompted the need for big, strong dogs who will be able to pull sleds over icy trails. Buck, a large animal living in the home of Judge Miller in Santa Clara, California, is exactly what the explorers want. He is an animal with human-like tendencies, intelligence, strength and dignity. Thus far he has enjoyed his civilized life with the occasional nature stroll or hunting trip. Manuel, a gardener's helper with a penchant for gambling and a need for money, manages to kidnap Buck and sell him on the black market. He is given to a saloon-keeper and transported via train to the Northland. Throughout the ordeal, Buck is kept in a cage and becomes increasingly angry. He manages to badly bite one of his kidnappers. By the time he arrives at his destination, he has worked himself into a rage.

The meeting with the Red Sweater and the painful encounters with his club push Buck into submission. He is not broken, but he knows better than to keep resisting, which can only result in his death. Once he is behaving correctly, Buck, along with Dave and Curly, two other dogs, is sold to Francois and Perrault, two agents of the Canadian government. They must bring the mail between Skaquay and Dawson,

Alaska. While in camp, Curly is killed for trying to make friendly advances to another husky. Buck understands that this is the law of club and fang which dominates this new world. He resolves never to go down in that manner.

Buck and Dave join a preexisting dog team led by Spitz, a bullying husky dog. The trail work begins immediately. Buck learns fast from the other dogs. In time he starts to become more wild, losing the domesticity imposed upon him in the Judge's home. Tensions develop between him and Spitz. Buck is ready to be a leader, and looks to usurp Spitz's power. While hunting a rabbit one night, the two end up in a fight to the death. Buck achieves mastery. When Francois attempts to place Sol-lek at the head of the team, Buck refuses to allow it. Even the appearance of a club does not faze him, for he has learned how to avoid it. When Francois allows him to take the position, he is amazed by Buck's abilities. Buck begins to dream of an ancient world in which man and dog fought side by side to survive.

After two round trips between towns, the dogs are exhausted and overworked. Francois and Perrault are very proud of their team, having just set a record for their run. But they receive new orders and must bid the dogs goodby. Several Scottish "half-breeds" take charge of Buck and his other dogs. He does not have strong

feelings for them, but they are good men and they care for the dogs. Buck's dreams of the ancient world grow more vivid. The path is very difficult and men and dogs alike are growing weak. One day Dave shows so much pain that one of the men tries to get him to run behind the sled. He refuses so adamantly that the men give in and allow him to run himself out. The next morning they drive the sled away, then one man returns and shoots Dave.

After this last trip, the Scottish men are told to sell the dogs and buy fresher ones. The team is sold to a group of tenderfoots -- Hal, Charles, and Mercedes -- looking to strike it rich. They

have no idea how to work with a dog team. In Hal's eagerness to complete the trail, he terribly mistreats the dogs. His quiet brother-in-law Charles and weepy sister Mercedes only increase the difficulty. Hal's incompetent handling of the rations leads them to run out of food for the dogs half-way through the trip. Starving and

overworked, one by one the dogs start to die. The remnants pull into the camp of John Thornton. Buck refuses to rise when Hal wants to leave. After watching the cruel

young man beat Buck repeatedly, John steps in and saves him by cutting him out of the harness. The rest of the team continues. Only a quarter-away, the sled falls through the ice, thinned by the sun, and dogs and humans perish together.

Buck falls wildly in love with John Thornton, who immediately recognizes that Buck is one of a kind. Under John's influence, comforted by his two other dogs Skeet and Nig, Buck begins to heal. He accomplishes a number of miraculous things for John, saving his life twice and winning a bet that allows him to pay off all his debts. He does not forget his visions of the primitive world, but he is happy at John's side. Along with Hans and Pete, John's partners, the dogs go on an expedition for a lost mine. The work on the trail, the daily hunting, are absolutely delightful for Buck. Though they don't find the mind, they do find gold, and so there is no more work for the dogs to do. Buck ruminates once more on the call that he hears nightly in the forest.

Eventually he starts to sleep away from the camp. He embraces his instincts and wild tendencies, killing his own food and watching out for himself. Buck meets a wolf who befriends him and is quite sad when he returns to the camp. This pattern continues, until one day Buck returns to the camp to find everyone killed by the Yeehats, a Native American tribe. He flies into a rage at the death of beloved John, and kills all the men who do not run away from him. There is no more tie to mankind, so Buck returns to the forest and remains with a pack of wolves. Each year he visits to the valley where John Thornton died, mourning his lost, dearest friend. 篇二:野性的呼唤(英文读后感300--400) The self-awakening of a dog

——reading The Call Of The Wild

Before being trafficked by a deceitful gardener to the extremely cold Northland, Buck had everything that was provided by his cultured and wealthy owner. He was more a pet than an independent creature. To some extend, his unfortunate experience benefits him a lot because it shows what the real face of nature looks like and where his place should be. Situations are just the same when it comes to the teenagers nowadays.

Living under other people's will instead of their own , teenagers feel something missing from heart at times and they either turn to virtual world ,dreaming away their time, or they are driven by the eagerness for profit and fame, always in a rush. To fill the emptiness, what we actually need is a desire for life. But If we haven't struggled against unfair fate as Buck did, how will we value what we possess at present? If we don't get in close contact with nature as our ancestors did, how can we understand the deep meaning conveyed by those classical literary works? That is where teenager's trouble lies .And Buck showed us a great method.

After a seemingly tough struggle, Buck managed to survive the bloody fight against wolves and return to embrace nature with complete freedom he won from the war. With his sense sharpened, Buck experienced more, and learned something else about nature’s way.

As a matter of fact, for animals, it's quite easy to make the change. For us human beings, although we are far more intelligent than any dog , it is also far more difficult for us to achieve self awakening as a consequence of internal and external obstacles. Now that we can not break away from society, absolute freedom keeps a distant dream. Now we are far from nature and have only limited freedom both physically and mentally. For one thing, we are losing wild nature. Unlike Buck, we are no longer able to run and jump as we wish .Both our senses and skills are declining, which holds us from scrabbling for the amazing beauty of nature. For another, we are abusing

violence as well as suffering from it at the same time. We force people to accept our own conceptions unconsciously even though they are unwilling to. We set every

potential enemy up whole day and all night while in nature, even wolf and deer live in peace most of the time.

But one thing is for sure .That is, whichever means we take, we will eventually find out what our natural state of mind is and have a good balance between humanity and wild nature. Then, we will be guaranteed much bigger happiness than Buck was. 篇三:野性的呼唤英文读后感 The call of the wild

It tells a story about a gigantic dog who was called Buck. It was stolen from a rich and comfortable home by the man who was in debt. Then buck was forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog(阿拉斯加雪橇犬).Buck encountered his true owner John Thornton who is very friendly and kindhearted after a long terrify life. Finally, John’s incidental death break Buck’s last tie to the man and drives him into the call of the wild.

In this story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. Buck will eventually leave John one day even if the incidental death does not happen to John. Buck just wanted to help his master finish the gold-rush-trip when the wild comes to his mild.

‘From then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of fight, did not to stay him (John)’. Buck wished to remember John’ image forever. I could not hold my tears bursting. Can a real man devote himself to loyalty and friendship in such a way? On the other hand, John Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and venturous man. He is so straightforward and simple that makes him an accommodating man. Once he firmly roots a goal into his heart, it seems that nothing could prevent him from accomplishing it except death. I do not know whether the persistence is the most vital element to make a man successful, but what I know is that you are not far away from success once you occupy it.

It is Jack London who let us into the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city. There, I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck’s bark, which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind, and to dig out a true meaning of life. What is the essence of human beings? What is the

civilization to us? Do we need to look back at where we came from? Is it good or bad for us to speak out what we think and to do what the consciences demand us to? It is thought-provoking.

