
时间:2022-05-15 01:36:43 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



I like many festivals, but my favorite is Dragon Boat Festival. This festival is not only close to my birthday, but also the memorial day for the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. On Dragon Boat Festival, we can watch dragon boats and eat zongzi.


My mother took me to see the dragon boat. It was very busy at that time! There were thumping drums on all sides. The competition began. There were red, yellow, blue and green dragon boats on the river. The four dragon boats rowed faster and faster with the drumming. Look at the people watching, some of them are as anxious as ants on the oil pan, some are shouting like crazy to refuel,

and some are dancing excitedly. At this time, almost all the troubles have been forgotten. With the sound of the drums, they drift farther and farther away and disappear without trace.www.zuowenla.cn 回到家,我们开始了包粽子行动。我先用两张叶片叠在一起,加入糯米、花生……包成三角体,用细绳缠紧。口味有很多种,有蛋黄的、肉松的、火腿的……真想每个味都尝尝。粽子不但味道多而且形状也多,有椭圆形、斧头形……真让人眼花缭乱。 Back home, we started to make zongzi. First, I fold two leaves together, and add glutinous rice and peanuts Wrap it into a triangle and fasten it with string. There are many flavors, such as egg yolk, meat floss, ham I really want to taste every taste. Zongzi not only has a lot of flavor, but also has many shapes, such as ellipse and axe Its dazzling.


Its fun to eat delicious zongzi and watch the wonderful dragon boat race!
