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[km] [km] adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇定 vi. 平静下来;镇定下来 n. 风平浪静

n. (Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆副词: calmly比较级: calmer最高: calmest名词: calmness过去式: calmed过去分词: calmed现在分词: calming第三人称单数: calms


dead calm 风平浪静 ; 航越地平线 ; 怒海惊情 ; 海不扬波 stay calm 保持冷静 ; 保持镇静 ; 冷静 ; 保持镇定 calm sea 无浪 ; 静海 ; 风平浪静 ; 平稳的海洋

Divine Calm 宁神减压 ; 静减压 ; 宁神减压松弛 ; 熏衣草宁神减压 not calm 波涛汹涌的 ; 有暴风雨的 ; 不平静的 ; 不够镇定 central calm 中心无风带 ; 中心静风 ; 中心无风区,中心宁静区 ; 中心无风区

Calm oneself 冷静点 ; 使自己镇静下来 ; 镇定下来 calm colours 平静的颜色 ; 镇静颜色 ; 平静颜色 be calm 保持冷静 ; 捉蝴蝶 【双语例句】 用作形容词 (adj.)

The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.


She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis. 她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静。 You should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静。 用作动词 (v.)

Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down. 由于被她那些话所感动,他很难平静下来。

Before the performance everybody held a deep breath to calm down themselves.


The prime minister made a low-key speech, hoping to calm the situation.


In mental institutions, doctors often let the patients listen to soft music to calm their emotions.


用作名词 (n.)

Under his apparent calm lay real anxiety. 他表面镇静,内心焦虑。

The sea had continued calm until a hurricane rose. 飓风来临之前,海面一直平静。

The hall was very quiet, but it was the calm before the storm. 大厅里一片安静,但这是暴风雨前的平静。

Instantly the baby girl responds.The pulse rate becomes calm and steady.


You can be called into action with the knowledge that can bring calm to a changing planet.
