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Unit 2 What a day! 词组 1.in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上

2.go to the park by bike 骑自行车去公园(go过去式went) go to school by bus 乘巴士去学校

go to the supermarket by car 乘小汽车去超市 3. a parrot show 一场鹦鹉秀

4.see some interesting parrots看见一些有趣的鹦鹉 (see过去式saw )

an interesting parrot 一只有趣的鹦鹉 5.in the park 在公园里

6.become windy and cloudy 变得有风且多云 (become过去式became ) 7.fly kites 放风筝(fly过去式flew ) fly kites high 把风筝放得很高 8.in the sky 在天空中

9.eat our lunch 吃我们的午餐(eat过去式ate ) 10.h ungry and wet 又饿又湿

11.meet Bobby 遇见鲍比(meet过去式met ) 12.look sad 看起来伤心的

13.lose my new kite 丢失我的风筝(lose过去式lost )

14.What’s the matter (with you?)=What’s wrong (with you?)


15.w hat happened?发生了什么 16.climb up the hill 爬上这座小山 17.fly high 飞得很高

fly too high 飞得太高 18.fly away 飞走

19.hold onto 抓紧(hold过去式held ) 20.near the hill 在小山附近 21.问天气

What’s the weather like today?=How’s the weather today? 22.问星期

What day is it today? 23.问日期

What date is it today?

24.日期表达法:the+序数词+of+月份 the first of January the second of February the third of March the fourth of April the fifth of May the sixth of June the seventh of July the eighth of August the ninth of September the tenth of October the eleventh of November the twelfth of December
