
时间:2024-03-05 10:40:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Why don't you/not ...? 为什么不……呢?

Why not +动词原形+其他?”意为“为什么不……呢?”,常用来向对方提出建议,相当于“Why don't you +动词原形+其他?”。如: Why not go fishing with me? = Why don't you go fishing with me? 为什么不和我一起去钓鱼呢?

2. What/How about... ? ……怎么样?


How about some eggs? 来些鸡蛋怎么样? How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? 征询对方的看法或意见。例如:

What about the playing the violin? (你认为)她的小提琴拉的怎么样? What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样?

3. Will/Would/Could you please ...? 请你……好吗?

Will you please go out the day after tomorrow? 你后天会出去吗? Would you please give me some milk? 你能给我一些牛奶吗?

Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest hospital? 你能告诉我怎么去最近的医院吗?

4. You'd better...你最好……

You’d betteryou had better后面加动词原型 (即不带to的不定式),构成you had better do sth.句型。意思是"你最好做某事”。如: You’d better have done that.你要是把那件事办了就好了.

5. Shall we ...? 我们……好吗?

例句:Shall we go to play the piano? 我们去弹钢琴好吗?

Shall we begin now? 我们现在开始好吗?

6. Let's ...让我们……吧。

例句:Let's think about your questions. 让我们想想你的问题是什么。
