IMissYou的歌词 IMissYou的歌词 Once figure enter into heart It can't be driven away forever Without you in my sight Please allow my fancy to run wild // Spring's peony come into bloom Riches and honor show off prosperious petal Only chinese rose infatuates me Her beauty reflect youth and energy // Sun shines the earth Life goes round and round You always hides in the distant space Visible memory supports invisible feelings // Freedom can't reflease my emotion Perfect can't increase my happiness Every girl exists a portion of you On account of missing you 【IMissYou的歌词】 1.给自己的歌的歌词 2.流水词的歌词 3.《缘》的歌词 4.想的歌词 5.《她说》的歌词 6.逃的歌词 7.《SayGoodbye》的歌词 8.说完的歌词 本文来源: