传统购物的优点英语作文 【篇一:九年级关于网上购物英语作文】 online shopping there are many new ways of shopping,and online shopping is one of them. online shopping has several advantages. first ,you can shop at any time. second,to shop on the internet you only need a computer and a mouse .third,you can compare the prices of the same products and save money.you can also receive it anywhere in the world at any time! but shopping on the internet also has some disadvantages.paying over the internet isn’t always safe.you can’t see the product or try the clothes on. i think our life is changing because of online shopping .one day no one will go to the shops any more,because you’ll be able to buy almost anything on the internet. 【篇二:关于网购的英语作文】 双十一将要到了,不知今年淘宝是否能创下新的成交记录。 事实上,网购有优点也有缺点,下面我就结合自身的购物经历来谈一谈。 首先来谈一谈购物的优点。第一,在网上可以买到平时不容易买到的东西。例如,我们做万用表实验时用到的电池,我在我们学校几个超市都问过了,没有买到,而我在网上很容易就买到了,而且价格也挺合理的,比自己去市中心买方便多了。第二,可供选择的范围很大,价格选择余地大。淘宝上各种东西都有,用样的东西各种价格都有。 接下来,谈谈网购的缺点。第一,退换比较麻烦。例如,当我们买衣服时,尺码容易出现误差,调换费时长,衣服寄回去还得自己付邮费,第二,可能买到假的物品,质量无法保证,买到的东西很可能用不了多久就坏了,寄回去维修也比较麻烦。 最后,我来谈谈我的个人看法。买衣服最好去实体店,买手机,电器最好上官网去买而不是淘宝,而买小物品或者买周围不易买到的物品可以上淘宝,在淘宝买东西也不能贪图便宜,不然质量无法保证。 two-eleven will be to come, i do not know whether this year taobao turnover hit a new record. in fact, online shopping has advantages and disadvantages, then i combine my experience to talk about shopping. ??first, lets talk about the advantages of shopping. first, you can buy online usually not easy to buy things. for example, do multimeter experiments we used a battery, several supermarkets in our school i have asked, and did not buy, but i am on the internet it is easy to buy, and the price is very reasonable, than i go downtown easy to buy more. second, the scope for choice, price great choice. taobao has a variety of things, with the kind of things that have a variety of price. ostage. second, you may buy fake goods, quality can not be guaranteed, buy stuff probably will not be long on the bad, return too much trouble to repair. finally, i came to talk about my personal views. best to go to the store to buy clothes, to buy a cell phone or go to the official website to buy electrical appliances best buy rather than to taobao to buy, and buy small items or buy items not readily available around the can on taobao, taobao to buy things can not be freeloaders, or quality can not be guaranteed. 【篇三:【英语作文】--网上购物】 which is better, shopping online or traditional shopping? different people have different attitudes towards it. some people think that online shopping is very convenient, for it can save them a lot of time and energy. it’s especially helpful for those who are always busy with their work. besides, through the internet, they can get more information about the commodities they want to buy and buy a lot of things that cannot be bought in local places. 网上购物还是传统购物,那种方式更好呢?每个人对这事的看法都不一样。有些人认为网购十分方便,因为这种方式可以节省许多的时间和精力。特别是对那些工作十分繁忙的人来说,网购帮了大忙。此外,通过网络他们可以知道关于他们想购买的产品的信息,还能卖到当地没有卖的商品。 nevertheless, i’m not keen on online shopping at all, since most commodities which are bought online are of poor quality. once we are cheated, we may find it difficult to make a complaint. thus we should take more cautions when shopping online. 尽管如此,我还是不太热衷于网购,因为大多数我们网购而来的产品的质量劣质。一旦我们上当受骗,我们会发现我们无处投诉。因此我们网购时要非常的谨慎。 in my eyes, i prefer traditional shopping, because i can choose what i really need. also, i can know the quality of every commodity more clearly. even if there’s something wrong with the commodities, i can still ask the sellers to compensate for my loss. 在我看来,我更喜欢普通的购物方式,因为我只需要选购我所需要的,而且我还能很清楚的知道商品的质量如何。假如我买的东西出现问题,我还能让卖家赔偿我的损失。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b38b6369aff8941ea76e58fafab069dc5122474c.html