[络绎不绝]络绎不绝的使用 出处用法解释 绝:断。 络绎:前后相接,连续不断。形容车船人马等前后相接,往来不断。 示例 1、《后汉书·东海恭王刘彊传》:“皇太后、陛下哀怜臣彊,感动发中,数遣使者太医令丞方伎道术,络绎不绝。” 2、宋·司马光《涑水记闻》卷八:“皇亲两府诸司,缘道设祭,自右掖门至 奉先院 ,络绎不绝。络绎不绝” 3、清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第53回:“一夜人声嘈杂,语笑喧阗,爆竹起火。络绎不绝。” 4、清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第六十回:“我梦里所到的地方,竟是一片康庄大道,马来车往,络绎不绝。” 5、姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第十六章:“但善男信女们不远千里朝拜金顶的仍然在老河口、石花街和草店的大道上,络绎不绝。络绎不绝” 易错点 : 车水马龙:形容“车”像流水,“马”像游龙。形容来往车马很多,连续不断的热闹情景。 络绎不绝:形容“车船人马”等前后相接,往来不断。 英文翻译 1. to go to and fro in constant streams; to come and go in a continuous stream; to come one after theother. 2. in acontinuousline; in anendlessstreams. 例句 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。 Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. 邓生老师那里每天咨询的电话不断,找上门学习的人更是络绎不绝。 The telephone call that refers everyday over there mr. deng sheng is ceaseless, seeking the person that comes to learn isin an endless stream more. 在展出的各类设备前无不人头攒动,在展台前咨询、体验、观看的客户络绎不绝。 Displayed before all kinds of equipment, abuzz because they grow in booth before consulting, experience it, view it in anendless stream of customers. 飞机着陆后,参观的人络绎不绝,人们纷纷要求飞行员解释飞机是如何飞起来的。 After the plane lands, visiting person in an endless stream, people asks air man explains how the plane flies in succession. 这里风光独特、壮美,特别是从神女峰直流泻下的“神瀑”,更是显之神灵,每年都有络绎不绝的藏民、香客、朝圣者前来朝拜。 Here, view is unique, strong and beautiful, especially from goddess summit direct current xie “next god pu“, is more thegods that show, have the pilgrim and tibetan in an endless stream every year, worship before pilgrimage. 随着改革开放的深入,社会主义市场经济体制的建立和信息时代的到来,国内政界、商界、科学文化界人士赴国外从事政务、事务、文化交流者络绎不绝。 One that is with reform and opening-up deepen, the setting-up of the socialist market economy system and arrival ofinformation age, whether go aboard political circles, the business circles, cultural circles personage not scientific notdomestic from thing government affairs, affairs, cultural exchanges person are in an endless stream. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b3da3b9a7c21af45b307e87101f69e314232fade.html