吉林大学公派研究生(联合培养博士生)研修计划书 Research Plan for Joint Ph.D. Program Jilin University, Changchun 姓名 Name 性别 Gender 所在学院 College 国内导师 Domestic supervisor 留学国外大学 Hosting foreign University 国外导师 Hosting foreign supervisor 姓/Surname: 名/Last name: 出生日期 Date of birth (yy/mm/dd) 所学专业 Major 留学国别 Hosting foreign country 留学院系 Hosting faculty or department 研究领域 Area of research 学习期限/Duration of study 课题研究项目/Research project 题目/Title 科研课题背景介绍/Background 申请人科研准备工作概述/Scientific preparations of the applicant 出国学习预期目标/Expected goals 科研方法/Research methods 科研工作时间安排/Time schedule for the plan 回国后续工作介绍/Work introduction after returning to China 拟留学院校在此学科领域的水平优势/Level and advantage of the hosting institution on the project References 国内导师签字/Signature of domestic supervisor: Date(yy/mm/dd): 国外导师签字/Signature of hosting foreign supervisor: Date(yy/mm/dd): 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b4baa303ccc789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79ab2.html