笑脸的英文是什么怎么写 知道笑的英语单词smile,它的笑脸的英文是什么,我们也相应地知道了。下面是店铺给大家整理的笑脸的英文是什么,供大家参阅! 笑脸的英文是什么 a smiling face a smiling face的英语例句 1. A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. 不开笑脸就不要开店. 2. He had to present a smiling face though heavy - hearted. 虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑容. 3. The laughter a child, a smiling face a parent's love. 从孩子的笑声, 他的笑面中忆记父母的爱护. 4. Relaxation enhances and mental health, and a smiling face promotes friendship. 放松能使我们身心健康, 带笑容易增进彼此友谊. 5. A manwithout a smiling face must not open a shop. 人无笑脸,不要开店. 6. Man without a smiling face must not open a shop. 没有笑脸,不要开店. 7. You have every reason to face your life a smiling face. 您有充分的理由去笑面人生. 8. Heaven at last, It'seemed, had turned a smiling face upon him. 上苍似乎终于向他展示了笑脸. 9. A smiling face is half the meal. 一张笑脸就能抵半顿饭. 10. A smiling face is a welcoming face. 要微笑,一张微笑的脸总是受欢迎的. 11. It is my considered opinion, that irony is insult with a smiling face. 我个人的看法是, 讽刺即带着微笑侮辱. 12. Let her sleep one good feel, the man's mouth Cape a smiling face of gentleness. 让她睡个好觉吧, 男人嘴角浮现出温柔的笑容. 13. Rejoice and be glad and add a smiling face to all that I have given you! 你们要喜悦,并且,你们要在我赐给了你们的所有一切上加上一个微笑的面孔! 14. But woo a smiling face, for it will bring sunshine to you, enlightening you life long. 追求一个能经常让你微笑的人吧, 因为微笑会让你灰暗的世界豁然开朗 、 阳光明媚! 15. Truly blessed you! Maintain a smiling face and a healthy back. We wait for you! 真心祝福你! 保持笑脸,健康的回来. 我们等你! smiling的双语例句 1. In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife. 在背景部分,我们可以看到他妻子面带微笑的蒙影像。 2. I found myself smiling back instinc-tively when our eyes met. 我发现当我们的目光相遇时,我本能地还以微笑。 3. Smiling for the cameras, the two men strained to make small- talk. 两名男士微笑着面对镜头,东拉西扯着。 4. Luke's mother stopped smiling and looked reproachfully at him. 卢克的妈妈收起了笑容,用责备的眼光看着他。 5. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b5e725f1fbc75fbfc77da26925c52cc58ad6904a.html