Aliens land on our world

时间:2022-04-05 04:20:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Aliens land on our world!

Tina woke up at 3 a.m. She looked out of the window, on the twentieth floor. She noticed a yellow light in the sky above her. It suddenly dived towards the ground. She heard a small explosion and saw a red light. Then, Tina felt very tired and fell asleep.

The next morning, she told her brother, Tom, about it. ‘I’m sure it landed in the forest near the hills,’ she said, ‘Let’s explore it after school.’

At 6 p.m., they reached the forest and followed a narrow path between the trees. It was getting dark when they heard some voices. They hid behind some bushes and kept silent. They listened but could not understand anything.

Then, they saw the alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. It was walking next to a long spaceship. The ship was damaged. Many of the trees around it were burnt.

The children felt terrified. Then, a second alien suddenly appeared from the bushes in front of them. It saw them and made a terrible noise! The children fled and did not stop until they were safe at home.

During dinner, they told their parents about the aliens. ‘They were very ugly. They had some hair but they didn’t have any feathers,’ said Tina. ‘There was some writing on their spaceship,’ said Tom. ‘It looked like this.’ He drew some lines on a piece of paper.

Dad said, ‘No one else saw these aliens. You ‘re naughty! You must not make up stories. Now, go to bed!’

But the next morning, the children repeated their story. ‘We really saw something in the forest, Dad.’

‘Perhaps they’re telling the truth,’ said Mum.

‘All right,’ said Dad. ‘After school, go and report it to the police. Now, off to school!’

The children put their schoolbags on their backs and then opened the door. They spread their wings and jumped outside and flew to school together. Dad examined the paper with strange marks. ‘It’s not like our writing at all,’ he said, as he looked at the word ‘EARTH’.
