关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:一个有意义的植树节 阳春三月,春光明媚,万里无云。昨天,我过了一个难忘的植树节。 It's sunny and cloudless in March. Yesterday, I had a unforgettable tree planting day. 下午约四点十分,和风习习,晴朗的天空飘着朵朵白云,有的像吃草的绵羊,有的像昂首嘶鸣的骏马,还有的像奔跑的小梅花鹿,我们在老师的带领下兴高采烈的来到河边参加一年一度的植树活动。哇!人可真多呀。河边红旗招展,人生鼎沸,同学们在热火朝天的干着,有的挖树坑,有的挑水,还有的抬树苗,一张张默默无闻的脸上挂满了汗水,这场面顿时感染了我”我是男子汉,重活我来干”于是我就义不容辞的选了最累最脏的活,找个空地挖起坑来!西边的太阳快要落山了,我们望一望那一排排整齐的小树,再看看每个人脸上幸福的表情,大家都开心的笑了。小树在春风里轻轻的摇摆,鸟儿也在不远处叽叽喳喳的叫着,它们仿佛在说:”谢谢,谢谢你们。”www.zuowenla.cn At about 4:10 in the afternoon, with the wind blowing, there are many white clouds floating in the clear sky, some of them are like grazing sheep, some of them are like a horse with its head held high and neighing, and some of them are like running deer. Under the guidance of our teacher, we came to the river to participate in the annual tree planting. WOW! There are so many people. The red flag on the riverside shows up, and life is boiling. The students are busy digging tree pits, carrying water and carrying seedlings. Their faces are covered with sweat. This scene immediately infected me, “I'm a man, I'll do heavy work.” so I just can't refuse to choose the most tired and dirty work, and find a space to dig a pit! The sun in the west is about to set. We look at the rows of neat trees, and then look at the happy expression on each face. Everyone is smiling happily. The trees sway gently in the spring wind, and the birds chirp not far away. They seem to say, “thank you, thank you.” 天色慢慢暗了下来,于是我们依依不舍的离开了。为表示对我们今天劳动的鼓励和肯定,大家又被拉到了”柴火山庄”。错落有致的大木屋,整齐的篱笆,别致的根雕茶几,还有好看的木质桌椅板凳。啊!坐在里面让我们一下又回到了大自然怀中的感觉。疲惫很快忘记了,脸也不洗了,很快大家都津津有味的吃起了晚饭。吃饭的时候,老师还抽空用数据给我们普及了我们没学过的科普知识,植物是人类的好朋友,它不但能制造氧气吸收毒气,还能储存大量的水。不仅仅美化了环境,还特别起着放风固沙、保护生态平衡的作用。 The sky slowly darkened, so we reluctantly left. In order to show our encouragement and affirmation of today's work, we were pulled to “firewood villa”. There are scattered wooden houses, neat fences, unique root carving tea tables, and beautiful wooden tables, chairs and benches. Ah! Sitting in it let us return to the feeling of nature. Exhausted quickly forgot, the face also did not wash, soon everybody all had the dinner with relish. When we eat, the teacher also takes time to use the data to popularize the scientific knowledge we haven't learned. Plants are good friends of human beings. They can not only make oxygen to absorb toxic gases, but also store a lot of water. It not only beautifies the environment, but also plays an important role in releasing wind and fixing sand and protecting ecological balance. 多么有意义的一天啊,那一刻,我几乎都醉了,以至于最后老师让我讲一下对参加植树造林的感想时,我毫不犹豫的回答:”只要人人献出一份爱,这世界就会更美好!” What a meaningful day! At that moment, I was almost drunk. At last, when the teacher asked me to talk about my feelings about participating in afforestation, I replied without hesitation: “as long as everyone gives a piece of love, the world will be better!” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b69fa63c824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab00824a.html