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Achievements in work unit 工作业绩

1. I improved our assembly line of the TV. 1.我改进了电视的装配线。

2. When I was the sales manager of Beijing Friendship Store, I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25% at profit margins of 50% to 80% .


3. Being an electrical engineer, I improved our assembly line of the electric fans. As a result, the annual output has been greatly increased.

3. 作为电机工程师,我改进了电风扇的装配线。结果,我们的年产量大大地提升了。

4. As a marketing manager, I managed to raise our products share from 30% to 40% in Southwest China.


5. Since I served as the production manager, I reduced the production cost by 20 percent. , 20%


6. I have got three articles published on Chinas futures trading. 3

6. 我发表了3篇相关中国期货交易的文章。

7. I succeeded in increasing the annual turnover. 7. 我成功地增加了年营业额。

8. I have reduced our administration cost by 15% . 8. 我把管理成本减少了15%

9. I succeeded in promoting our products to America and Canada.

9. 我将公司产品成功地推广到了美国和加拿大。

10. I accomplished a commercial advertisement for a well-known company in May 2007. This advertisement won the second prize in our company.


11. B&G Company made a profit of $ 550, 000 on one program that I completed last year.

去年我设计的一套程序让宝洁公司赚取了55万元的纯利润。 12. I wrote a thesis entitled On Interpersonal Relations in the Socialist Market Economy and was carried in The Bund in 2003.


13. Legal System Building carried my thesis named On the Importance of Stepping Up Economic Legislation" in 2002.


14. My essay entitled A Study of Characteristics of

Juvenile Delinquency was published by The Youth Generation in the second issue of 2005.

14. 我写的随笔“少年犯罪特点之探讨”一文由《青年一代》期刊刊载在2005年第二册上。

15. The year before last I was rewarded as the Brave Citizen of Chengdu City for my action against a robber who was robbing an old woman.

15. 前年我获得了成都市“勇敢市民”奖,以表彰我勇斗歹徒,救助一位老年妇女的义举。

16. My thesis on the prevention of heart and vein

diseases was carried on the Journal of Hubei Medicine last year.

16. 我的一篇关于预防心血管疾病的论文发表在去年《湖北医学上。
