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In addition, this store provides various types of practical materials for everyone, such as idioms, riddles, pinyin, American writing, lesson plans, practical templates, topic essays, writing instructions, test question banks, other materials, etc. If you want to know different materials Format and writing, please pay attention!

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【标准发音】:zhì gāo xíng jié 【繁体写法】:志高行潔


【志高行洁成语接龙】:各从其志 志高行洁 洁己从公 【用法分析】:作谓语、定语;用于为人

【读音预警】:注意多音字:行 xíng 举行 发行;② háng 行市、行伍③ hàng 树行子 héng 道行。

【出处说明】:梁启超《罗兰夫人传》:“布列梭、布科、鲁卡埃诸贤……年少气锐,志高行洁。” 【对应近义词】:志美行厉、志洁行芳

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