What is happiness? What is the good life?How should one live in order to live well? What are the definingcharacteristics of the good life? For much of the history of thought these questions have been understood asasking the same thing. For some of the ancient Greeks a keyquestion was whether happiness or the good life had to be amorally good life. For instance, Plato is concerned to showthrough a number of arguments in the Republic that the just(‘‘dikaios’’) or morally good person is also the happy person.And Aristotle, by defining happiness or ‘‘eudaimonia’’ as activity exercising or realizing excellence or virtue, seems to by hisdefinition work in morality as part of the nature of happinessor the good life.These questions – the perennial concern of classicalscholars – have in the last 25 years become the subject of debates in contemporarysocial and political theory as well. Foucault (1986), Taylor (1989), Kekes (1995),Cottingham (1998) and Nehamas (1998) have all stressed the importance of the “artof living” or “caring for the self” in light of contemporary political and economicdevelopments. The paper starts with a general discussion of the concepts ofthe good life. I argue that there is a conceptual core of happiness which has to do with one’s life as a whole. I discuss affective andattitude or life satisfaction views of happiness. The good life is also a ‘‘big’’ concept. It has a long history. I believe, however, that it is less clear than the concept of happiness. This can perhaps be seen by its easier application to various kinds of things such as a name for a chain of health clubs,advertisements about vacation spots, etc. It is harder to see a conceptual or logical core of it. Nevertheless, it is important for the issues we are studying. Therefore, rather than relying on any kind of shared understanding, some stipulation of how we are using the term will be required. If we understand it to refer to a life that is good for the person who lives it, good as a final value, then we can meaningfully ask whether such a life will bethe same as happiness, or whether there may be other things which could be seen as part of the good life, such as rationality and autonomy. If we seek to understand what a happy life is, or what makes alife happy, at the outset we should take care to note an ambiguity of the question ‘‘What is happiness?’’ Sometimes the question is about what is its nature. Sometimes the question is aboutwhat its conditions, antecedents, or determinants are, or how itmight be brought about (satisfying personal relationships, adequate income, meaningful work, etc.). I wish to focus on thenature of happiness. Some empirical studies of happiness suggest they are providing definitions of happiness, saying what itsnature is, when they really are discussing conditions, causes orcorrelations related to happiness (e.g., people who are relativelymore sociable report higher rates of satisfaction with their lives;people who are unemployed report significantly lower rates ofsatisfaction with their lives, even if they are in a society with social support such that they experience no loss of income). How should one live in order to live well?I think it should be from the following aspects 1. Eat healthy and exercise. Keeping your body in shape and eating healthy food can do wonders for you not only physically, but give you tremendous energy to be active and fit. Also taking vitamins and supplemens is overall good for your body, skin, and hair. 2. Stay less stressed. 压力不要太大。 Situations in our life at times can leave us on the edge and feel physically, mentally, and emotionally strained. Try yoga, mediate or soothing music to ease and relax your mind and body. Do whatever that works for you to prevent constant worries. 3. Be content with yourself. 知足常乐。 The best method to staying beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin by having confidence and thinking highly of yourself (but not to the extreme where you are arrogant). Accepting that you are an unique individual with great gifts can definitely change other areas in your life for the better. 3. Smile, laugh, and stay positive! 微笑,大笑,永远保持积极向上的劲头。 Remembering these three factors, helps draw the right people in your life and give you a beautiful glow that make others want to be around you. I think that,love is the crux of a happy life. Love helps us stay calm and serene even when things are tough. It can carry us through the hard times. Love looks for ways to be of service. Love is enjoying the surprises of life and being totally delighted with what life gives you. Love is the key to happiness and it is a real blessing to others. 众所周知,爱是幸福生活的关键所在。爱帮助我们在时事艰难的时候保持沉着,平静的心态。它能帮我们度过苦难的时光。爱会自己寻找助人的途径。爱是享受生命中的诸多惊喜,爱是完全满足于生活的给予。爱是幸福生活的钥匙,爱是对他人真挚的祝福。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b7a24129ad51f01dc381f1b0.html