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100个传统节日及文化英文表达 标题图



Spring Festival 春节

1. paste spring festival couplets 贴春联 2. do Spring Festival shopping买年货 3. new year paintings 年画 4. paper-cuts 剪纸

5. Chinese knot 中国结 6. reunion dinner年夜饭 7. lucky money 压岁钱 8. red envelop红包 9. staying up守岁

10. bid farewell to the old year辞旧岁 11. New Year’s Eve除夕 12. Spring Festival Gala春晚 13. set off fireworks 放烟花 14. propose a toast 敬酒 15. New Year visit拜年


Lantern Festival 元宵节

1. lantern riddles 灯谜 2. lantern 灯笼

3. exhibit of lanterns 灯会 4. the sky lantern孔明灯 5. lion dance 舞狮 6. dragon dance 舞龙 7. Yangko dance秧歌 8. stilt-walking 走高跷 9. temple fair 庙会 10. rice glue ball 元宵

11. glutinous rice ball 汤圆

12. lunar January / the first month by lunar calendar正月


Tomb Sweeping Festival / Qingming Festival清明节

1. worship ancestors 祭祖 2. go for a spring outing 踏青 3. sweep tombs 扫墓 4. offer sacrifices 上供

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. burn incense 焚香 martyr烈士

public cemetery 公墓 green rice ball 青团

cudweed herb rolls 清明果 Cold Food Day 寒食节


Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

1. glutinous rice dumplings 粽子 2. realgar wine 雄黄酒 3. sachet 香包

4. hang mugwort and calamus 插艾蒿、菖蒲 5. hang up icons of Zhong Kui 悬钟馗像 6. dispel diseases and viruses 驱病驱恶 7. dragon boat racing 赛龙舟 8. The Lament 《离骚》 9. commemorate纪念 10. Qu Yuan 屈原

11. patriotic poet 爱国诗人 12. state of Chu 楚国

13. Warring States Period 战国时期 14. Miluo River 汨罗江


Double Seventh Festival 七夕节 1. Qiqiao Festival 乞巧节 2. mythology 神话传说 3. folktale 民间故事

4. a bridge of magpies鹊桥 5. the Milky Way 银河 6. Niulang (cowherd) 牛郎 7. Zhinv (weaver maid) 织女 8. Vega 织女星 9. Altair 牛郎星

10. matchmaker 月老 11. heavenly palace 天宫 12. needlework 女红

13. thread the needles 穿针


Ghost Festival / Zhongyuan Festival 中元节

1. Yulan Festival盂兰节

2. Buddhist and Taoist festival 佛教、道教节日

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. folk religion 民间宗教

Ghost Monththe seventh month 鬼月 lower realm 阴界 deity

worship ancestors 祭祖 prepare offerings 备供品 incense burner香炉

set lanterns on the river 放河灯 burn joss paper 烧纸钱


Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 1. lunar calendar 阴历 2. solar calendar 阳历 3. mooncake 月饼 4. altar 祭坛

5. appreciate the moon 赏月 6. worship the moon 拜月 7. full moon满月 8. auspicious 吉祥 9. reunion 团圆

10. Chang'e / Goddess of the moon嫦娥 11. Chang'e Flying to the Moon嫦娥奔月 12. The Jade Rabbit玉兔 13. Cherry Bay 月桂 14. elixir 灵丹妙药


Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 1. wear cornel twigs 插茱萸 2. dogwood 山茱萸

3. chrysanthemum cake 菊糕 4. five-color cake 五色糕

5. enjoy chrysanthemum flowers 赏菊 6. drink chrysanthemum wine 喝菊花酒 7. eat double-ninth cakes 吃重阳糕 8. ascend heights 登高 9. climb mountains 爬山

10. have family reunion 家庭团聚 11. visit senior citizens 拜访老人
