
时间:2023-04-18 19:07:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I like small animals very much, and the favorite is the little monkey. On Sunday, my parents took me to jinjiangshan park. We came to monkey hill to see the monkey, but fun! The little monkey was funny. He was wearing a brown leather suit. He had a light pink belly on his chest. His head is round like a small ball. His eyes were like black gems. The tail was like a little string. Some of them are climbing the mountain, some are on the swing, some are crossing the bridge. A little monkey saw me jump over and ask for

something, so I threw it a piece of candy. He came running like an athlete and caught it, and then he sat on the stone and ate it with relish. It seemed as if he had eaten the sweetness of the sweetness and squeaked. After a while, he seemed to have finished eating and jumped over to ask for me. I threw him

another biscuit, and he caught it and looked up to the hill, and he thought of his mother, and he ran over the hill without giving up. The little monkey is really cute. I hope I can visit them every day. 我很喜欢小动物,其中最喜欢的就是小猴子了。

星期天,爸爸妈妈带我去锦江山公园。我们来到猴山看猴子,可有趣了!小猴子长的可好玩了,他穿了一套棕色的皮衣,胸前好像系了一条浅粉色的肚兜。他的头圆圆的像一个小皮球。他的眼睛像黑宝石一样。尾巴像一条小绳子一甩一甩的。他们有的在爬山,有的在荡秋千,有的在过天桥。一个小猴子看见我跳过来伸手要东西,于是我便扔给它一块糖。他像运动员一样跑过来接住了,然后他便坐在石头上津津有味的吃了起来。他好像吃出了其中的'甜美滋味高兴的“吱吱吱”叫了起来。过了一会,他似乎吃完了又跳过来伸手向我要。我便又扔给他一块饼干,他接住了回头望向山上似乎想到了自己的妈妈,没舍得吃,便向山上跑了过去。小猴子真的很可爱。希望以后我可以每天都去看它们。 Look! The fur of brown, shiny, small and sensitive ears, a pair of cute little hands behind is a pair of sharp eyes, and a long tail carefully, formed the clever monkeys.

Monkeys like to play on the rockery and love sweet fruits. Just after a few days of Mongolian spring rain, monkey hill became more and more lively. The little monkey came out of his mother's armpit and played on the rockery with many of his friends. Some of them are in the drill, some are on the

swings, the swing is great, some are walking fast. So many clever monkeys, one

is more lovely than the other. The monkeys were jumping up and down as if they were welcoming the arrival of spring's sister.

In the spring breeze, in the warm sunshine, the little monkey snuggled up to the mother, together to enjoy the beauty of the present, the blue sky the grass.

The cute little monkeys ran and ran, swinging in the trees, making a lot of noise and eating under the trees.

People, animals, scenery, the three constitute a beautiful and harmonious beautiful picture scroll. Let's take care of the environment, protect the animals, and make this picture more beautiful!






