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日军用英语怎么说 日军的英文: Japanese army Japanese troops japanese是什么意思: adj. 日本的,日本人的 n. 日本人,日语

Sakura is a national flower of Japan. The Japanese people have looked on Sakura as an important object.

樱花是日本的国花,日本人又把樱花看作是重要的'象征。 I picked up quite a lot of Japanese words during my six-month stay in Japan.

我在日本六个月的逗留中学会了许多日语单词。Tea ceremony (Japanese chado orcha-no-yu )Ritualized preparation and drinking of tea developed in Japan.

茶道:流行于日本的准备仪式以及喝茶。army是什么意思: n. 军队;陆军;军团;大群;团体 a standing army

常备军,5. 固定的,不能移动的,6. 【印】(版面)排好后保留的,n.1. [U]2. 站立处[C]3. 身份;地位;名望[U]4. 名次表[P]5. 持续时间[U] The army policed the conquered city.

军队管制这个被占领的城市。The general directed the army to attack.

将军指挥军队进攻。troops是什么意思: n. troop的名词复数;部队 motorized troops

摩托化的部队 Daylight will reveal the disposition of their troops.

天亮之后,他们军队的部署就要显露出来。concentrate troops at a strategic point

