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友情客串 cameo appearance ; 카메오 출연 ; カメオ出演 ; Caméo 友情晚宴 Dinner with Friends 谈论友情 Chatting about Friendship 友情海枯石烂 Auld Lang Syne

友情岁月 Friendship days ; DJ YmonVS DJ SKy ; Days ; Forever Friends 更友情 Sewisignment Engine Friendly

友情提醒 Friendships remind ; Friendly reminder

友情篇 Friendship ; Friendship Articles ; Never say goodgye 忠实友情 True friendship 关于友情的相关单词 friendship 关于友情的相关例句

1. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。 2. I depended on his companionship and on his judgment. 我信赖他的友情,也相信他的判断。

3. True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.--David Tyson Gentry


4. He made a profession of friendship to his classmate Mary. 他向他的同学玛丽表白了他的友情.

5. It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.


6. As time went on, a genuine friendship grew up between us. 随着时间的推移, 我们之间产生了一种真挚的友情. 7. I helped him purely and simply out of friendship. 我帮他纯粹是出于友情.

8. An intimate friendship grew up between them. 他们之间渐渐产生了亲密的友情.

9. The lonely student is starving for friendship. 那个寂寞的学生渴望友情.

10. Friendship is the finest balm in need. 友情是在困难时刻的最好安慰.

11. Their friendship was strictly spiritual. 他们的友情完全是精神上的.

12. She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.


13. It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secretit's public knowledge already.


14. If love and friendship can't be together, I will abnegate the resultless love.


15. He found very little congenial companionship in this casual Western city.
