
时间:2022-03-21 06:28:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I will come back soon. 我很快就回来。

A David, how long is your visit to Beijing? A 大卫,你在北京待多长时间?

B Just two weeks, unfortunately. But I will come back soon.

B 只有两周,很遗憾。但是我很快就会回来。 A I'm sure you wil. When are you leaving? A 我相信你很快就会回来的。你什么时候动身? B I'm leaving on the 15th. B 15号走。

A So soon. That's next week. A 很快了。就是下周。

B Yes, but I'll be back again next month. B 是的,但是我下个月还会回来。 Notes

1. To ask about how long something is, you begin with How long...? e.g. How long is your vist to Beijing; How long is the flight to Shanghai? 要问某件事情有多长时间,你这样开始:How long..? (...多长时间?)例如:你在北京待多长时间?到上海的航班需多长时间?

2. To ask when something is happening, use When...e.g. When are you leaving; When are you arriving? 要问某事什么时候发生,用when..? (什么时候...?)。例如:你什么时候走?/你什么时候到达?
