以e开头的单词名词 earner n.获得收入者; eagerness n. 热心; eagle n.鹰; eaglet n. 小鹰; eccentricity n. 反常,怪癖; edict n. 法令、命令; edification n. 陶冶、教诲; edifice n. 大厦,(喻)心中构思之物; edison n. 爱迪生(美国发明家)。 扩展资料 Her new business has turned out a nice little earner. 她新开的.商店结果还真有点赚钱呢。 Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。 Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency 旅游业是该国外汇创收最多的行业。 Sugar is Fiji's second biggest export earner. 糖是斐济第二大出口创汇产品。 T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole. 卖T恤衫来钱容易,比领救济金好。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ba44d0c7fbc75fbfc77da26925c52cc58bd690d3.html